Is anyone a member of Moms Opinion matters?

United States
July 15, 2008 6:09pm CST
Its a survey group where they send you surveys for stuff all having to do with babies, such as baby monitors, safety gates, high chairs, boosters, etc..... Each survey lasts less than five minutes. Some are only one question. Then when you are done they put your name in a drawing for $100 target giftcard. I was just wondering if anyone else is a part of this group and is there anyone that has won the giftcard whether it be you or someone you know. Its not a waste of time because the surveys are short and sweet. I was just wondering if they really do give out the giftcards. Because I noticed this month they have sent me a ton of surveys, which they never used to. So I'm hoping this means I have a good chance to win maybe. So let me know if you have had any experiences with this group?
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