Ha Ha Ha! That's Not Funny!

United States
July 16, 2008 8:46am CST
Some of my friends say I have a dry sense of humor, and I really love good jokes. To me the best ones are the ones that are funny without having a bunch of cuss words in it. Now I've heard some jokes like that in the past that were funny, but there are some comedians I've seen on the Comedy Channel that just cuss thru every joke and I decided not to watch anymore. Which kind of jokes do you like or does it matter?
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1 response
@carpenter5 (6782)
• United States
18 Jul 08
The wonderful thing about Tigger - Funny cartoons
I love clean jokes too. My daughter is always sending me blonde jokes. She thinks they are funny. Of course she is blonde, so that makes them all the more funny. I don't really like the comedy channel because many of the comedians are vulgar and have more foul language than I care for.
• United States
19 Jul 08
I'm a ChaCha Guide and get requests for Blonde jokes all the time and always wonder if blonde women think they're funny! I also wonder why there are no blonde men jokes..lol. I do admit I used to like listening to Richard Pryor comedy albums back in the day, but he still wasn't as bad as they are now, with every other word a curse word. Thanks for responding!