Do you Dream in Color or Black and White?

Dreaming - In Color
@Muelitz (1592)
July 18, 2008 6:47am CST
When you dream in your sleep your dream might seem to real or feel that it really happened. But do you dream in color or black and white. Have you noticed that your dreams are always in black and white? How about you?Just Curious, SFC
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9 responses
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
i dream in color but sometimes black & white maybe it depends on my dreams lol
2 people like this
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
i dream in full color, i can even tell the colors when i woke up.. i remember sometimes the color of the shirt of my ex, its neon pink. sometimes i happened to dream in black in white, but dreams in color is more often than black and white..
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
18 Jul 08
i'm not sure, but i think a colour....... myryam
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
18 Jul 08
I dream in vivid color. I have been told people who do that have wonderful imaginations but who really knows. Had a dream last night that seemed so real too I was surprised when I woke up where I was! There was movement and feeling wind on my arms, the whole nine. Have you ever thought what dreams mean? There have been several books written on the topic. Our minds are always on and processing things whether we awake or not. Since I am going through a stressful time right now I know my dreams are a way to cope with it.
• United States
24 Jul 08
Thanks for checking my response as the best! I really like to connect with people and to have you choose my response really means something to me!
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
22 Jul 08
Interesting huh.. Most ple dun normally remember their dreams when they wake up and yet u still can manage to know the colors of your dreams?? lol =D Thoug i have alot of dreams, but i dun take notice of the colors because i'm more concentrated in the events happening in my dreams.. lol =D
@petiksmode (2983)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
i dream a lot...and if it is black and white or colored it really varries, coz sometimes i even remmber what color is the dress i am wearing, and the color of my sorroundings so i have colorfull dreams hehehe..
• Canada
18 Jul 08
I always dream in colour. When I dream, my dreams look as realistic as r
@singerja (106)
• United States
18 Jul 08
I dream in color. I am happy about that because I LOVE colors.
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18 Jul 08
Hi Muelitz, Yes I usually dream in colours because when I do remember my dream I remember the colour clothing of people are wearing and so froth. Tamara
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