Needing a new one-can you help me find the right one?

July 18, 2008 1:01pm CST
This year my pc is getting ten years old and it is time to let him go. So I am looking for a new one and I don´t know exactly what my pc needs. Or say it clear. I am just a user -not a technican. What I want to do which the pc is simple: 1. I will surf the internet. 2. Doing home banking. 3. Chatting. Mailing. 4. Starting a small online business. 5. Doing the business programs for running the business on the pc. So I don´t need these crazy things which computer game players need for their skills of perfection. And I don´t want to go to a shop to get the oldest computer they have just because I don´t know these things. But what do I need? I don´t know? Any suggestions what hardware, processor etc.?
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5 responses
• India
18 Jul 08
well i am a computer can help u out..i wana know more about ur online business before i advice something..
• Germany
18 Jul 08
It will be and internet store that sell cloth. So nothing big or powerful-only an accounting program, a program like a turbo lister and a stamping program from the postal company.
• India
18 Jul 08
then u must go for a low budget pc..may b a laptop wid dual core min 1.5 Ghz 1 GB ram(so that vista runs smothly) n all accessories like modem,soundbox,dvd writer n all..
18 Jul 08
Hi there i think a laptop with that spec will not run vista smoothly when running apps and programs. Vista is a really system resource hogging os so ideally he will need higher specs like at least 2gb ram.
18 Jul 08
Hi there, yes i agree that you should let him go, you will be amazed by the technology they have today lol. Because you are not using it for gaming needs i think the minimum you should get is: Intel or Amd dual core processor 2Gb DDR2 RAM 250 GB HARD DRIVE 256MB ON BOARD OR STAND ALONE GRAPHICS CARD 400W POWER SUPPLY UNIT (PSU) However if you really wanted a top spec machine, i would go for: INTEL QUAD CORE OR AMD TRIPLE OR QUAD CORE PROCESSOR 4GB RAM - THESE DAYS 8GB IS THE MAX 500GB HARD DRIVE 600W POWER SUPPLY UNIT (PSU) 256MB ON BOARD OR STAND ALONE GPU I am upgrading to the following, I am a gamer really: INTEL 6700 quad core processor 8Gb dd2 Ram 500 GB HARD DRIVE BFG 9800 X2 1GB GRAPHICS CARD (SLI MODE) ALL THE ABOVE COSTING ME £500, my pc now is really struggling to run modern games so i am selling the parts on ebay :) HOPING TO GET £100 CHEERS AND HOPE THIS HELPS
• Germany
19 Jul 08
I am crossing fingers for you to sell the parts on ebay. What is the difference between a dual core and a quad core...of course two and four but- does a quad core double the speed and a dual core not?
21 Jul 08
Hi again, the difference being that a quad core can handle alot more than a dual core can. Quad core is the latest technology in processors and it will soon be supported by future games and programs. Say a dual core processor was 2.6ghz , this means that the 2 core operate at 2.6ghz each. Say a quad core processor was 2.6ghz, each 4 cores will operate at 2.6ghz each. Im ordering half of my system tonight, I would highly recommend Intels quad core rather than AMD Quads because Intels kick the hell out of amds, they are much quicker at everthing, even intels lowest quad (q6600) is faster than AMDS Top quad (PHENOM BLACK EDITION).
@y2ksuprio (853)
• India
19 Jul 08
Hello friend, for your basic works you specified you dont need to invest huge amount of money. I suggest you to get a pc that is enough powerfull for your specified work and also in low bugget. Every year new technologies are comming and the previous one gets back dated so I suggest you to get a pc that has : procesor : Intel DuoCore 2.0 ghz($50) motherbnoard : Intel 945/965($50) ram: 2GB(40$) harddisk: 320 GB($50) Dvd writer: 20x(25$) These are the basic configuration you need.have a nice day friend.tkcr
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I suggest that you assemble your own pc, dont worry you wont have to do it yourself in case you dont know, the shop technician will do it for you but you can choose the hardware that you want. If you're not a power user, then you dont have to buy those powerful PCs which are too expensive. I will suggest an intel dual core at least 2ghz and up, a 1 gig memory, 256 Video card, a combo dvd and cd writer drive, and if you want a big storage of disk space, then you can go for at least 300 gig Hard disk drive, anyway you can still use your old hard disk as back up, make the technician put it as a slave disk so you can still access your old files. Just dont forget to check it with the latest anti virus so your new pc wont be infected. Now, you have to choose if you will still use windows XP or try Vista instead. You can do some research about that.
• United States
19 Jul 08
Go to and shop for what you need. They have the best deals I have found on the net. Stick with XP, I don't think Vista is surfing all that well yet.