how do i earn money on mylot??

United States
July 22, 2008 1:22pm CST
OK so i am a stay at home mom who is tired of getting her hopes up just to get scammed. I am just looking for some tips on how to make the most out of this site. also if anybody has some advice about working from home please let me know. I am not looking to get rich, just to be alittle more comfortable. please help!!!
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3 responses
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
23 Jul 08
Hi, Welcome to mylot. My best recommendations are to post responses that are 4 or 5 lines long of quality response...they seem to like those better than the short ones. Be careful what you respond to...discussions with referral links in tend to get deleted as they are against the guidelines (check faq for those) and you dont get counted for those. I've heard rating and tags and smilies all count for participation but I'm not sure. When you hit 500 posts you can copy.paste and add photos. At some point i think its 100 you get the smilies code. Start discussions and remember to tag them, add friends as friend respond to discussions and make them count.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
23 Jul 08
ps theres a few people on associated content with some really nice how to use mylot articles.
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@MizukiZHR (611)
• China
22 Jul 08
Hi,bryanna.I think respond more will be useful.Care about the quality because it will effect you earning if you want to earn some money.Upload some pictures or start a discussion with picture are all effective.Have a nice day!
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@setroc (853)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
post post post, the longer the post the better, if youre starting discussions it needs to have alot of responder so you can earn more, if youre posting comments it has to be 5 lines or more, the longer the better, they pay you more if it is really long, but dont start your discussion really long, might not attract people, if youre responding to other peoples discussion make youre reply as long as possiblerate, use smileys, tag everything, it is counted as participation
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Jul 08
thanks for the advice
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@setroc (853)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
got that tips from a guy who is earning an average of 3 dollars daily, he said he make a total of 75 post a day to get to that kind of amount, i know that is alot of work, me im lazy the most that i have earned in a day is 18 cents, goodluck on your posting, you can only post alot of youre really enjoying doing it, otherwise this becomes work and will pretty much be a drag, coz for a work it doesnt pay that much