Do you do this

alaskan brushed nickel fan  - Alaskan brushed nickel fan
United States
July 23, 2008 12:50pm CST
Do you sleep with a fan on when you are sleeping???I love for it to be cold when i sleeping at night, it has to be atleast 60 degrees in my room for me to be able to sleep at night. I really like it to be cold when i sleep, it has to be cold or i can't sleep..
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5 responses
• United States
23 Jul 08
I can sleep with or with out the fan on. I just useally open the window and let the night air creep in and cool the room off. During the summer though I have to have it on for the air even at night is bad and the fan blowing is good to me at that point. So it depends on if I want it to be extra cold in the room or not.
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• Malaysia
23 Jul 08
I can't sleep with the fan on, coz it makes some noises and aren't that peaceful anymore lol. I usually just turn on the air conditioner with the silent mode on :)
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• Canada
23 Jul 08
I don't usually sleep with a fan on, but I do sleep with the window open during the warmer seasons. When it starts to get cold in the fall I close the window until sprig comes again, and then I leave it open.
• United States
23 Jul 08
I love to sleep with a fan on it keeps me cool at night. I love to sleep in a nice cool room.. Actually it has to be cold.. I sleep with the ac running and a window unit and a fan going i love t when it is cold i can't sleep when it is hot or i just get up thank you for the response...
@soulist (2985)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I don't normally sleep with a fan on my face. I have a ceiling fan that i let run from time to time other wise I normally don't. I really can't stand having the air conditioner going when I am trying to sleep. I am content with the air the fan supplies at night.
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• United States
23 Jul 08
I like it to be very cool when I sleep so I sleep with a fan on and in a t-shirt and shorts. I love cold sheets and pillow cases too.
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