love via internet chatting

July 27, 2008 8:26am CST
do you beleive that someone can fall in love just chatting to a person...even if they haven't seen each other...i beleive it can happen and its from my own experience...i had a friend for almost 5 years and then she said the words...but it was not at all practical...for me to respond her positive...what you'll think about it?
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2 responses
• Jamaica
28 Jul 08
lol I do believe that it's possible. I've been a victim myself. I fell deep. Last year around october 2007 i saw a pic of a guy on hi5. Ive seen many handsome men on hi5 even some more handsome than he is, but there was something about his pic. I sent him an invite to add me he accepted and we began to get to know each other. Very soon we got addicted to each other. We spent hours at a time every day on line chatting. We got to know each other very well and each others family too. We were now in an exclusive relationship. We still haven't met in person. We broke up recently. He is convinced that I'm "dating" other men and chatting with them online as well. It's a pity though cus I was willing to leave my world to enter his. I don't know if i will even attempt to go through something like that ever again though. It proved impractical for me. BUT... chatting allowed me to express my self better than I would in person. Meeting people online eliminated the hindrance of physical appearance and paranoia. I could be myself without fearing rejection. I assumed that would be the same for the person on the other end. getting to see people beyond the physical boundaries allows for getting to know the inner person and inner true self. Meeting people on the Net is not always so much of a good thing (and I honestly don't do this often). There are some psychos out there and people with malicious intent. I think I was lucky to find him, he was just toooo insecure to see that I was true to him. Maybe that lady was your soul mate, maybe she was not. I believe that whatever will be will be. My mom thought that I was crazy dating a guy millions of miles away over the Net. Maybe she was right, maybe not. I say do what your heart tells you ( but be careful that you don't confuse your heart with your genitalia's need to mate) Regards Techauna
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
12 Oct 08
That's the main reason why he's online. Because he's got insecurities.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
12 Oct 08
Though there's no real formula to love, we should always be cautious on who we give out our heart. Falling in love is one of the greatest feeling one can get, but sad to say, many have also been hurt because of easily trusting people. One of the highly used mediums of today to gain relationships is the internet. I could really say that about 95% of people going online and using chatting sites and programs are there to look for their special someone. Though some are legit and sincere, there are many who are in it for money or for the sake of gaining a lot of so-called girlfriends or boyfriends (they're just collecting). The problem with these types of relationship, is that you can't really see the person for who he/she is. Yes, there are webcams and they could send out pictures, but by my own experience, I'd say there is around 85% chances that how they look online isn't how they look in real. Why 85% well, in my online life, I've met so many people already (most for friendship only a few for romantic links) and I could say not all of them look the same! True! When I met my fiance, yes I did meet him online, I swear he passed in front of me several times, and I honestly didn't notice it was him! Another problem posted to online relationships is the fact that your romantic flare is limited to the use of technology. You can't really smell the person, you can't really experience the 'feel' of how he/she is in real (unless of course when you do meet up). So, when they do decide to meet, there are overwhelming differences and some attitudes may be far from what is expected. One of my experiences on this is when I first met a friend. She was really very outgoing online, but when we met, we were as silent as the tombs. I guess it was because I expected her to be loud, that's why when we met and she didn't really talk much, I had second-thoughts of maybe I met a different person. Hahaha.. But the single most common problem online is the honesty factor. In one of my readings here online, I stumbled upon an article with regards to the psychiatric activity of a person online. It said that people tend to lie more online rather than in person. I can really say it's true because around 90% of those chatting online would say that their single when in fact they're married. Anyone who lacks beauty can become the Ms Universe online. Even men become women and women may be men online. Not to mention that there are far more incidents of betrayal and cheating done online than in real life. So, given these problems posted and more. Am I recommending or stopping people from falling in love online? No. As I first stated in this discussion, 'there's no right formula for love' each person has his/her own story of love, and who am I to tell them otherwise? right? But I do have to share tips for you guys/gals there who are meaning to find mr. right or ms. right online. Here there are: 1. Try not to expect too much. 2. Meet up before committing. 3. Take it slow. 4. Meet before committing. 5. Meet before committing. 6. Meet before committing. Hehe.. No, your eyes are not deceiving you, I did type 'meet before committing' several times because this is the best way for you to have a better relationship online. It's sad that most people have built their lives over someone online, only to find out after a long while, that the person (or our views on the person) doesn't really exist. I have a friend, who was so addicted with the online love, that when one of her suitors decided to send her a plane ticket to his place, she immediately jumped in and went there. To make the long story short, she got pregnant only to find out that the 5 kids in the guy's family home (with his parents and sister) was in fact his. And she didn't know that until she gave birth! Imagine the horror. And not only that, a wife existed too! So, before plunging into the love pool. Please take a moment or two to use your minds before your heart. Yes, we might feel that we're lacking time, or view that the fish in the ocean are starting to dwindle and there might no longer be someone for you. But remember that you are a person of worth and of course as one of the most famous songs I've listened to for quite a long time now says: LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF, IS THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL. Goodluck!