What is your favorite movie and why?

United States
July 27, 2008 10:08am CST
I have way too many "favorite" movies to count, but I recently re-watched 'Men in Black' with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. I love that movie. I don't know why I am drawn to it, maybe it's the thrill of discovering such a secret. Or maybe it's the cloak and dagger, secret society-like organization. I know I enjoy it when Will Smiths character is learning all the secrets, like Spiderman learning to use his powers in the first spider man movie. So name one of your favorite movies and why you like it.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I don't think I could pick a favorite either. I tend to like more romance and 'chick flicks', but don't like stupid comedies or most of the action/adventure that appeal to the younger crowd. As an exception, I watched ConAir again the other day and that would be on the list, and also Independence Day. The Pursuit of Happyness is a good one too. Dr Zvihago The Guardian The Glenn Miller Story (oldie, but I love it!) Radio Eight Below I just checked what I've watched in the last year from NetFlix, and those are good ones from that list.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Con air Actually didn't do it for me. Nick Cage just couldn't pull off the hick accent. The whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking "was he making fun of red necks?" I did enjoy the premise though.
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