Any house md lovers out here?

July 28, 2008 1:37pm CST
I just watched an episode of house md and was hooked .. i have seen every episode till date. Any other house md lovers out there? if so do you love hugh lauries charector? is it justifiable that he is as bitter as he is?
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9 responses
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
love house md. love it. love it. love it. the first episode that i have seen is season 2 episode 13. the one with the hermaphrodite model, after that i just had to see the beginning of it. when i saw it i just cant stop watching it. i had to have season 2 and then season 3. im still waiting for season 4 to finish so that i could buy a dvd and watch it in 1 sitting. waiting for the episodes to show on tv is quite long and i hate the commercials. lol.
• United States
28 Jul 08
It is an absolutely brilliant show. I have seen most of the episodes. The dialogue is well-written, and the plots are fantastic. This is one of the best shows currently on television.
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@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I love House, the show and the character. And, honestly, I don't find him all that bitter. I'd almost think that they had him say he was miserable in the season finale just for my benefit, because I spent 4 seasons hearing everyone tell him he was miserable, but he never seemed that way to me. Sure, he had bouts of moodiness and bitterness, but I'd say everyone does. And, he enjoyed hanging out with Wilson and sexually harassing Cuddy, and solving the puzzles of diseases. Plus, music and just the fun of shocking people by being outrageous. So, I can't say whether I think it's justifiable, because it's taken me a long time to accept (and he still doesn't appear that way, not as an overall condition) that he is bitter.
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I love the series House. I have seen every episode of it too. I watched it one night after American Idol and liked it so much I had to rent the series from Netflix I am looking forward to next season to see what happens between House and Wilson after Amber dying. I think House has a right to be bitter I would be too if I was in pain all of the time.
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• United States
29 Jul 08
I've seen every episode since it started out. I absolutely love that show, the characters are great. I absolutely love Hugh Laurie. He is brilliant and the way he hides his accent. I didn't even know til he was doing an interview. If he changes the way he is it wouldn't be the same show. I was reading in the TV guide that they didn't have plans for him to be in a relationship any time soon, other than the banter with cuttie, that he has. Because his personality would change if he would be all lovey dovey and happy. They say that he and cuttie must have actually slept together in the past which is why they are to each other. Even though it was never shown for them to. But it is a great show.
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
Hi! :D I love House MD mainly because it's related to my field of practice and because of House himself :P The jokes and his sarcasm really wins me over, especially for a drama series. I haven't seen all of the episodes and am just starting to watch the entire series. I have seen some season 2 episodes though and this episode where House's parent arrive at the hospital and had dinner with him ran two times on air. His father says "he doesn't realize how lucky he is", not sure if it was from a third person point of view or was said directly in House's face. House is bitter but as his father said, he doesn't realize how lucky he is. Others die of accidents and don't have the chance to live. Good thing for House he is just isn't able to move just like before his accident but still, he didn't lose that limb right or became paraplegic didn't he? Maybe he still hasn't accepted the way things are yet.
@brimia (6581)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I love House too! I've seen every episode either on DVD or online. House is so funny and endearing even though he's a jerk most of the time :) I love the relationship between him and Wilson and the way they play off each other. I wasn't sure if I'd like it with his team leaving and then all the new characters but it's still great and creative.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hugh Laurie is fantastic. He loses his accent entirely when he plays House. I love the sarcasm and the wit in this series. I can't wait until the new season starts. The show is amazing.
@kbjunior15 (1309)
• United States
29 Jul 08
That show and that man are awesome. Could you imagine meeting a real doctore like him. How funny would that be or not funny I guess?