Do you believe in a God?

November 4, 2006 9:15am CST
The question is simple, and one you have probably been asked hundreds of times before. Do you believe in a God? I myself cannot believe in a God rationally. I have always felt that religion is for the weak, who are not capable of creating their own purpose. If there was definate proof of a god, I still would not worship as that means it rules throug fear, and obviously badly at that. As a strong believer in democracy, I copuld not agree with that. I also cannot stand how religous people always try and act like better people because they are religous. Many are incapable of comprehending the fact that I can live a happy and fullfilling life, with good morals, without being religous.
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8 responses
• United States
4 Nov 06
Yes I believe in God. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior over all of us. I don't really put forth much effort in sharing that message with others because as you said in your post you cannot believe in a God rationally. Most people who have that type of mind set will not be swayed over to the believing side just because someone like Billy Graham or Joel Olsteen tell them to. It takes a truly remarkable event happening in their life where no other explanation can come except for the saving and loving grace of God. I hope everyone who replys to this post will realize that even though you may not be able to believe in God you must acknowledge that he does exist.
4 Nov 06
I always make a point of respecting everyone's belief, and I do not try and persuade Christians that they are wrong either.
@jasmin19 (219)
• India
4 Nov 06
Ya god is every where, so it is possible to control such a complex system containing men,animals,greenaries, and lots more. is that not true?
4 Nov 06
It is only complex based on our pre-conceieved opinion of complexiy, derived from how our life has been lived.
@Betty1956 (177)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Yes I believe that Good Orderly Direction (G.O.D.)lies at the heart and soul of each and everyone of us. To get in touch with this Good Orderly Direction (G.O.D.)and let it guide our lives is the task I believe we all have in life to save our souls. If we don't, then we are reincarnated and have to try again to save our soul. Life has become much happier and saner for me since realizing that G.O.D. is the better part of of me and others.
• Pakistan
4 Nov 06
I do, very much
@sksingh (1411)
• Germany
4 Nov 06
• United States
4 Nov 06
I don not judge at all as I feel that even judging is sinful, but I assume that god is everywhere, in out hearts, minds, spirit
@ansarkhan (2426)
• Pakistan
4 Nov 06
GOd bless me - I Love My God
• United States
4 Nov 06
Yes, for sure. He is alive, and if you open yourself up to Him, He will proove it to you. Try praying from the heart, He won't let you down. Also, there is a difference in "religion" and "faith". Religion is man made rules how to worship God, what you can and cannot do. Faith is a one on one relationship with Him. Bless you