your cat is afraid for dog?

@vimaal (3361)
July 29, 2008 12:01pm CST
Hi friends, how are you. I have three cats in my home. In three cats two cats are afraid for dog, but one cat is not afraid for dog. what can i do.?
2 responses
@txylwroz (23)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I have 2 cats and 1 dog. My cats and dog get along just fine with each other. If the cats get too close to the dog the dog will let them know where there place is and vice versa with the cats. Just leave them alone and they will eventually get use to each other. When dogs and cats live together, they become like humans and each of them learns where their territory is and how far to push the other one. That is the natural order of things. They will each learn the others habits and everyone will live together and respect each other.
29 Jul 08
I have two cats too and they're not afraid of dogs.. i think it's a bit strange but funny.. I've also saw dogs afraid of cats.. so nothing is impossible