Does our spouse still see a different side than our children?

July 31, 2008 8:40am CST
i wonder how many men and women respond differently to their children when their spouse is present than when (s)he is not. i know me and my wife do, it is not a big secret between us. i'll explain; my wife gives less attention and affection to our children and tends to brush them off when they want to talk to her or tells them to get off of her when they show desire for her affection or want to get in her lap and cuddle. she is somewhat aware of it, she's not always this way, but she feels bad about it sometimes. I treat our children differently,too and am aware of it. with our girls, i tend to give in more to there puffy bottom lips, and with all four of our children i tend to be a little harder on them when she's not around. i forget how i deal with them successfully when she's there. i tend to scream and yell at them more and become frustrated with them more easily. i think one reason is that we don't have each other there to help us with the responsibilities and too, to remind and correct each other. when i see her being neglectful or quick to anger i will give her a look to remind her, and she will correct me at a later time when the kids aren't around.
2 responses
@lisal6 (1)
2 Aug 08
first of all i do give my children attention i am with them all day i do not work out side of the home. all day i am giving feel better hugs and kisses or answering questions listing to the storys watching the little programs they make up for me. so yes when my hubby gets home it is his turn and my turn to get a little relif from a childs mind and wants of the day. Daddys are progrmed to treat the daughterds different the same way moms do boys. that why it has always been said daddys girls mammas boys
@coopstar (282)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I think when your alone its 4 against 1.Maybe you are trying to keep a lid on it when your alone.I have three sons and I never even thought of this until you brought it up.But I definitely yell more when shes no home.Great topic.