The worst moment in patch Adams film.

@sagittar (107)
August 2, 2008 5:13pm CST
I love this film, first of all I work in caring sector where I had to use patch Adams attidute as a role model at my job and second it is based on a true story of how a man change the doctors/patient relation. For me the worst part of the film was when Patch Adams after months trying with patience to conquer the love of his life, and helped her to regain some trust in man, she got killed. Remebering the way he felt after he got the new, I do not even imagine what i would do in that same situation. He lost trust in himself, but than his "friend" helped him to regain that trust by means of helping an old woman patient that she did not want to eat any more. Patch adams helped her by but her in a big pool full of spagetti
1 response
@dclary (141)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I too loved this film. Robin Williams plays this role exceptionally well. I loved the part where he put the woman in the pool of spaghetti, wouldn't that be fun? The real Patch Adams has a website - You should check it out, it is very interesting.