Hopping major to major is regreted in the long run

United States
August 2, 2008 5:44pm CST
since 2002 i was put (by my parents) into a radiology program in college that i wasn't that much interested or inspired to do. but i went along. I then discovered a lot of other programs and classes that interested me through out my 1st semester. So I changed my major, withdrew from classes and started again. lets just say that happened about 3 times total. now i am 24 still no degree completed and wishing i just stuck to the 1st one because it makes more money and I would of been done and had a career already.
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1 response
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Aug 08
The best way to get through college is to not choose a major until after at least the second year. A study I read years ago said that most college students change their minds about their majors several times, many not settling on one until their last year of college.