Love or lust???

August 4, 2008 6:42pm CST
ok, so here is a question that I was asked a few days ago, and I want opinions on it. Would you rather be in love but the person you are with does'nt treat you well...(takes you for granted and gives you reason not to trust him etc) or would you rather be in a relationship where you are not in love, but the person would do absolutely everything for you to makes sure you were happy? I guess it is a question of love or lust!!!
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33 responses
• United States
5 Aug 08
I would rather be in love and he be in love with me. Lust is a sin, so I would say it better to be in love unconditionally. Someone who there for you and take care of you.
• United States
5 Aug 08
If some one treats you great and with Respect then eventually you will fall in Love with them,I did and it is amazing.....Just Follow your Heart, and remember Satan comes as the Angel of Light!
• United States
5 Aug 08
honestly i wouldnt chose either one because even though the second options gives me a guy who would do anything for me, i dont really love him and who knows i could be keeping him from someone who would love him the way he loves them. but if i had to choose then i would choose the second option becuase who knows maybe after sometime my feelings will grow for him.
@Elixiress (3878)
5 Aug 08
I would rather be loved than to love, so in that scenario then I would choose to not be in love with the person that would do anything for me. Ideally I would like to love someone that loves me, but obviously that is not always possible.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I'd rather have neither. I would want to be in a relationship that was equal on both sides, both love and respect each other. And if it wasn't that why waste my time? I'd wait for it. I'm just lucky I already found it! :-D
• United States
5 Aug 08
Unfair treatment was mostly why I broke up with the guy I was going to marry. He was being a jerk and I know I didn't deserve it. I'd want someone to treat me with resepct, we can learn to love from there.
• Sweden
5 Aug 08
hmm that a difficult question,let me think now.I think i would choose the one which i will be in relationship wich i am not inlove with him because im sure that i will be starting to be in love with him because of how he treat me.Love can be learn.I would not like if i am in relationship that im the one who love and he did not care,and also i had experience it that was terrible hurt :=(. so i would not do that again.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
For me the question is absolutely not about lust of love, but rather being torn to stay with the person you love, or the one who loves you. It’s a familiar song eh? Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you, or are you coming back to the one you love. Well, for me am staying where I will be loved. I mean, what’s the purpose of staying with somebody who can’t love and respect you. Who keep on hurting you…?? You puts you down?? I know it’s just something easy to say but hard to do. But then again, a one sided relationship in the long run, will somehow end up in a failure. I would rather choose to stay where the guy loves me, because am cared for and loving him would not be difficult. And I know, I will be happy with him. when somebody loves you, it’s not so hard to love and care for that person, because that person will help you see your worth, why you should be treated with love and respect. I would always prefer where I will be happy.
• United States
5 Aug 08
for me, i will choose the person who loves me rather than go with the person who doesn't treat me well, mybe i will just find a way to change my feelings for him and love him like what he feels for me!
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
5 Aug 08
First of all,I won't love a person if he treat me bad or take me for granted.If someone treat me with tenderness,cherish my love,I might fall in love with him,but that depands on if I have feelings for him.
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
A relationship not based on love will surely be a temporary one.Pretty soon you grow tired of it.Of course it would be great if feelings are mutual.I can never be with someone I do not love or even just like.I might pity the guy if he goes out of his way to make me feel special but if I really don't have feelings for him he's got nothing to hope for.
@memorable (114)
• United States
5 Aug 08
It's like a catch 22 I would rather be with the person i am in love with but on the other hand if someone else is treating me better than i would probably much rather be with the other person.
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
There is a common notion that we hear often, the ones we love are the very people who has the capacity of hurting us. Love is always accompanied by pain and sacrifices. I was once in that situation. My boyfriend takes me for granted. We quarrel most of the time coz I am not secured about his feelings. He never brought up any thing about break up. but still he keeps on hurting me and i could not leave him simply because i love him. there was one guy...good looking, matured and very much stable in his job. I know very well how much he loves me but i just can't forget my boyfriend and go for the other guy. you know why? He may be able to provide a comfortable and even a luxury life for me but I don't know if this comfort is enough for me to face the test of time in our relationship. I don't know what lies ahead. I can't say that I can hurdle any problems if I'll be with him. What can his love do when I don't have enough love for him to make things work? On the other hand, the pains my boyfriend had caused me is just a proof that my faith in our relationship is quite strong. Now , I am married to my boyfriend for 3 years now and we a cute little boy. He just changed. In fact, i think the table was turned. Lol! We are living a simple, difficult but happy life.
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
5 Aug 08
Love off course !! Love can also turn out in lust :p But lust also in love... Hmm confusingg Nah I'll stick with love, much more fun in my opinion^^ Have a good day..
• China
5 Aug 08
reply: I recognize it is lust,but your heart has not completely put into,so you are not feel love between you.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Well if we're talking about those being my only relationship choices..I'll stay single thanks....BUT if I have to choose then I'd be with someone who treats me right. You dont have to be "in love" with someone for a relationship to be a good one by any means..but you do both have to be treated kindly, there has to be trust etc etc
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
for me its quite annoying,but i really prepared to choose to love rather than lust its because love can be last long while the lust it can't.i think in loving a person you really take a risk if you really love her/him you maybe accept and try doing something that can be change about her/him attitude towards how she/he treat!i think,if feel that your happy doing in the both of the choices,go on but prepared for the consequences that you will be incounter,.just my opinion.we have feedonm to choose.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
hi tashipear. i'd choose the second one. i've been into many relationships similar to the first one you cited so just to give my aching heart some respite, i'll gladly go with the person who loves me and would treat me like the GOD that i am.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
I want both ways. Surely when you love someone its nice if that person will love you back. I don't believe in a one way relationship because if that's the case then there is no point of having a relationship at all. The basic rule of relationship or love is sharing, understanding and giving. So if there's no love in one person then its not called love it called martyrdom or other words that describes foolishness. Lust however is just a form of interaction or a way of socializing purely physically. Though it still soothes your senses as I may say. So its still good physiologically.
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
[i]Others are engaged with a relationship becaused they love their partner.Others also in a relationship just because of lust. Or shall we say that both love and lust are the common reason why we engaged in a relationship. There is no big deal with it,just make it sure it will not hurt you in the end.[/i]
5 Aug 08
NAMASKAAR, i am reaalyin confusion wheather tobelieve ornot. JAIHINDH