Assisted Suicide

United States
August 6, 2008 2:27am CST
How many of you support assisted suicide and agree that it should NOT be illegal? What are your thoughts on this? I personally think it should be deemed legal for certain situations, especially when the patient is very very ill and can barely function without the assistance of machines.
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4 responses
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
6 Aug 08
I totally agree with you in exceptional cases. If the person is in pain and you can clearly see the person suffering I think it is for the best. It is not fun going through things that you can not control. I have always voiced and have written a will in case something were to happen to me. I want them to pull the plug if I am a vegetable, in a coma, cannot take care of myself. I have seen many family as well as older friends in care homes and I do not want to be one of those statics on that one.
• United States
6 Aug 08
I am with you on that one! I never want to be in a vegetable state or a burdon on my family. I do not have a will written yet but everyone in my family knows what I want and don't want if I am ever placed in that type of situation.
• Canada
6 Aug 08
I have mine in a will as alot of doctors will do things that go behind the familes back and do things that you truly don't want. For instance my granny wanted to be DNR and not incubated. (Do not resusate) Well they did the tube and that was it.
@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I myself gave orders is not even a wish to certain people in my life that in case something very bad that happens to me and I am a vegetable or coma, for them to disconnect my equipment and they will. I believe this is just a body and you can get a new one next lifetime so why not?
• United States
6 Aug 08
I agree with you and when it comes that time for my life I will probably sign the same orders. I'm talking about let's say you are very sick with cancer or some other disease and you are just miserable and can barely function yet you aren't on machines or anything. Do you think this patient should be allowed to go to their doctor and say "I'm ready" and then the doctor injects them and sends them on their way to the other side?
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
6 Aug 08
In exceptional cases and when both the sufferer and the family are in agreement. I feel this should be legal. I would never like to see anyone in eternal pains. Its indeed hard to see our loved ones like that, isn't it? However, the discretion should be the respective family's who should have the authority to decide on that. Because the decision could be subjective as well.
@msmell (1378)
• Australia
6 Aug 08
I totally agree with you here, if someone is so sick and there is nothing at all that the doctor's can do for them and they are suffering alot of pain then yes i think they should be allow to be able to make their decision as to whether they can go on living like that! You know if you family dog or pet were in so much pain and there was nothing that you were able to do for them then what is the first thing that you do for the animal you take it to the vet and they put the pet to sleep so that it doesn't suffer any more as it is cruel to let it suffer in pain so why do humans have to suffer with the same pain?????? Why isn't that seen as being cruel as well?