Are we being watched to much

August 7, 2008 7:32am CST
There is far to many cameras around towns and citys.
2 responses
@egdcltd (12059)
7 Aug 08
The system as it stands is being abused. Many CCTV cameras were introduced into city centres as part of "anti terrorism". Data from these cameras is being utilized for other means by both local councils and police. Instead of being used to prevent terrorism, they're being used to stop littering and other petty crime, or, in extreme cases, the data is being sold on.
7 Aug 08
I feel afraid to do anything because of the CCTV cameras incase i do something wrong. Its not a very good feeling to have about your country as they dont trust the public who dont do much wrong
• United States
24 Sep 08
I haven't followed the local discussed on this matter, but as an American who often visits the UK, I have never felt spied upon. I know the cameras are there, and I've seen coverage of how they have been used to retrace the activities of those involved in high-profile terrorism. For all that, cameras or no cameras, the UK strikes me as an open society in which citizens live full, active lives. Indeed, it seems to be a society that is both safer and more open to ideas than my own country.