How Do You Punish Your Children ? =) HELP

United States
August 7, 2008 11:57am CST
I have had a struggle with this lately. I have an 18 year old, when he was younger it seamed so much easier. My 13 year old makes it hard to deal with. I could spank My son, at any age, and punishment was done. He had learned his lesson. My daughter doesn't learn her lesson from any mistake she makes, no matter what punishment she gets. What is the difference between the two.? And what do I do about it, how do I fix it. HELP. !
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4 responses
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
25 Oct 08
My daughter is only 5 yrs old so what I do to discipline her is to spank her. she learns from it.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Nov 08
When my daughter was 5 I spanked her also. I would spank her now also, if I really had too. I would probably have to beg her to lay down so I could. She is so much bigger than I am.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Oct 08
walkthewalk hi Your daughter is thirteen just at the start of puberty and a lot of angst, and also she is a girl, not a boy of course she will be really different from your son.She is going through a terrific hormonal change right now.and to punish her for being a newly budding teen isnt going to help.Maybe you are being too strict with her, and the resentment from her is getting in the way between you two. I would take her to her doctor for a checkup to see nothing physical is creating problems then maybe if you are so upset about her, see a child pchycologist for some better ideas. I think in a few years a lotof her problems will now iron out.
• United States
24 Nov 08
Hello Hatley, It has been 4 weeks since you left a message. Thank you, and sorry it has been so long that it took me to get back to you. I did take my daughter to a therapy.We are doing so much better now. We still have some problems. But things are on track. Thanks for your interest.
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
10 Aug 08
I think your daughter doesnt learn coz she has got used to your punishments and has got punishment proof so it doesnt matter she thinks what you are saying is useless. Try making her understand rather than punish her!
• United States
11 Aug 08
Thats a great idea. I'll try that. Thanks.
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7 Aug 08
Take away her most valued items like her mobile phone and say she can have it back once she learnt her lesson
• United States
7 Aug 08
That might teach her. All kids love there phones. Only the whole reason for her to have a phone is so I know what she doing, when she's doing is, where she's at. And all that. She goes goes to the park, its about a 1/4 mile from our house, there's a rec center there, pool and skate park, I drive over there lots of times to surprise her for a check-up. But if I just want to see if she okay, I'll call. Her phone, she needs. She is over weight, and needs to be out doors and active.