A new girl in my house....

@yenwie84 (1344)
August 7, 2008 6:33pm CST
I have rented a room to a girl aged 20 years old. Every time when I am at home so does she, I will definitely close the door when I am in my room. Sometimes I am feeling bad about this,it seems like I want to keep a distance from her. Am I too sensitive? But I feel uneasy if I open the door of my room when she is at home. I have a feeling that someone is watching me,lol. How about you? If there is stranger or someone you have newly known,will you close your room's door when you are in your room? Please share.Thanks.
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15 responses
• Philippines
7 Aug 08
That is a normal feeling when you don;t know the person around you. You want to have privacy.. You are uncomfortable with it. But when you come to know each other, you will be able to overcome that feeling. Make friends with her and know more about her so that you would feel comfortable living in that house with a girl. Good luck.
• China
8 Aug 08
last month i went to a different city to have a part-time job. i stayed with my friend. she lives with a beautiful girl. at the beging, i thought the girl was quite unfriendly because she always closed her door and we didn't talk to each other. after several days, i felt better and she always came to my room to chat,but she still closed her door and i never closed the door untill i went to bed. we had good time. now i know she is amicalbe and easy-going. i think colsing the door is ok because we have different characters and experiences. so i think closing the door is not the point. closing the door is ok, but if you want to feel better(you said you felt bad. you are very kind.) and also keep your privacy,i think you can do something out of your room to change the atmosphere.
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@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
7 Aug 08
Didn't you et to know her when you rented the room to her? You'l get use to her presence. Don't worry. just make sure that when you are not at home, the door to your room is locked and all important stuff are kept hidden. Goes the same when you sleep at night. Lock the door. You don't have to distance yourself from her. You can even be friends. Just don't be too trusting.
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Hi yenwie, I will do the same..maybe when you will get to know each other, you will start to trust her but still in my case, i always want to establish limitations..When I am in my room, I want some privacy!
• India
8 Aug 08
yea but t way u act is really kinda weird....u can consider ur privacy but slammnng the door on a persons face is nt gud...try2 get accquainted with her rather thn doing this...
• Malaysia
8 Aug 08
I also feel like that when i was not married yet. I rented room which is not my friend. I always lock my door when going home. I only see him when i want to go to kitchen or toilet. Only smiles. about 1 years I live like that.
@psphacker (1053)
• United States
7 Aug 08
are u a girl or a boy i cant tell because you don't have a picture under your nickname if you are a man this is an opportunity to get a girlfriend if you are a woman this is an oppurtunity to get a boyfriend.
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@dlufel (423)
• Australia
8 Aug 08
i think it's very normal. but whether you like it or not, i personally think it will be better if you try to get to know her. It will be very useful because then you can tell what kind of person she is. How sure are you that she wont do anything bad (stealing and stuff)? So if you get to know her, chance is that you will have a picture of her personality. Then you will be able to feel either comfortable or get her out of your house asap.
@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I think that's a normal feeling. I am guessing she probably feels much the same. Just express kindness to her and friendship and you two can become buds in no time. I was like that girl once and now I have two awesome friends that I have been roomies with. Good luck.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
8 Aug 08
It is normal to want some privacy. You may want to take some time outside of the home to get to know each other and be friendly. Maybe suggest going to lunch. That may make things a bit smoother.
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
Good day... When it comes to your privacy it's your own thing and decision. I mean you are entirely entitled to it and so does she. Do what you think you're comfortable with and she can do the same.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I would feel the same if the person is still a stranger to me.But if i were you i will talk to her,get to know her and make friend with her since you live in the same roof.It's odd when you don't know each other.But if found out that she could not be trusted i will be careful not get closer to her.
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
8 Aug 08
if u are a boy and single,i do think it's a good opportunity to get a girlfriend if she suits u.but if u are a girl,just feel free to live with her.girls have more in common, and u can share whatever you like.you'd better make sure she is friendly and nice first.on the other hand,if u wanna keep your privacy,fine.do what u like.
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
8 Aug 08
Everyone gets the same feeling in presense of unknown people.Once you get accustomed to the new situation you will become normal.But at home we need privacy without which its uncomfortable.
@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
UH oh...There is one meaning about that feelin...:-0 Your starting to like her..Being sensitive in one person that is near to you means you like her but that is only my opinion...:-0 Well I guess I can't say that she is harmful though..Is it your first time with a new girl in your house???Well you cannot say that she is stranger because you already welcomed her in your house so i guess it's not...:-0 Just observe and observe if you will that there is somethin fishy around...:-0 God bless and have a nice day...:-0
@payout (3794)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Wow, I'm sort of the same person, I like to keep my distance from people sometimes and new people like IF someone moved in my home that was new I would always shut my door and stuff if there there. I have my own problem and stuff that are valuable to me. SO I wouldn't want to get any of my stuff taken or what ever. I am also a very sensitive person for a guy ha ha, but yeah. I don't think your doing anything wrong your being you and your being protective of your self and the things you have. I think eventually you both will probably become close and be nice friends so yeah she is new so yeah you'll get use to her and open your self to her way more. Well yeah take care and keep posting ^_^ Happy Mylotting. :D