BB10: What will happen now?

United States
August 7, 2008 8:32pm CST
SPOILER! OK so Jesse is gone,in the long run that may hurt as now Memphis feels threatened. But Dan I think is screwed! I mean they all know it was him. And Libra I am sorry but i can't stand her! She thinks she rules that house! The fact she took that gist from Michelle too is BS! I mean come on now why do that. I swear with Michelle as head of household tempers are going to go nuts. I think Libra needs to go and now,I usually am all for a woman to beat them all but she is just too much. So what are your thoughts? What do you think of Renny? I think they keep her for ratings because she is SO good at stirring up drama!
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9 responses
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
I think that Dan is screwed as well. The whole house knows that it was him. Him excepting the America's Player is and might really bite him in the butt. But that is what America wanted him to do. Libra needs to go and dang quick as well. I for one cannot stand this women. I just don't like her. Something about her but I just can't put my finger on it what erks me about this women. I hope that she goes and goes really really soon. As for Renny I don't mind her at all. I sure do wonder where she gets all those props she has kicking around the house. She is quite the entertainer if you ask me. I didn't like her at the beginning but she sure is growing on me. After this week I am sure Michelle be one that they target as she did a little too much boasting when she won the HOH. She needed to keep it a little on the down low if you ask me.
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• United States
9 Aug 08
I agree michelle screwed herself. But things change in the hosue quickly,if people start to realize what Libra can and is doing they may turn on her and get her out. Now if Michelle can make enough people in the hosue happy she may last a little longer. Renny may be entertaining,but she will win this whole thing if someone doesn't stop her soon.
9 Aug 08
Michelle won't be the one they target. She's got 3 weeks of safety, at least. If Libra goes home it leaves Keesha and Renny. If either of those two win HoH, they'll put up April/Ollie with replacement of Jerry. If Memphis, April, Ollie, Jerry win HoH, they'll put up Keesha/Renny with replacement of Dan (or Dan replacement of Keesha) so Michelle is safe this next week. After that, it'll be interesting to see how the house splits after one of the core alliances is broken up if Libra goes home.
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• Canada
10 Aug 08
How do you figure that Michelle has 3 weeks of safety. Just because they said that they are not targeting her doesn't mean that they won't. This game changes all the time and things get thrown all about. As well Memphis putting up Keesha if he wins HOH. Why would he do that when she is pretty much the only friend/alliance that he has in the house?
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I haven't been keeping up with mylot at all yet alone big brother talk. However, I think it's sad that it took this long for people to get a backbone and actually vote the way that the HOH wanted them to vote. I hated Jesse. I like Dan. I like Keisha. I actually even like Renny. Memphis is alright. Jerry is so so. And I do not really like another soul in the house. I have one word to describe the majority of the folks on big brother, but I'm not sure if it is a word I can say on mylot so instead I will give you the Merriam-Webster definition. "a jet or current of liquid (as a cleansing solution) directed against or into a bodily part or cavity" It can also be followed up by the word "Bag". If there was anything else on TV right now, I would not even be watching.
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• United States
8 Aug 08
Hey raychill long time no response lol. Well as always I am complete opposite of you lol. But I do agree about vating against what HOH wants.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I'm not surprised that you are the opposite and yet I am. Because I'm not sure how you can like the other people when I think they're exactly like ED from season 8. I mean, they may not be as out there, but all they are doing is stirring up crap and thinking they can rule the house. and i mean really.. you're going to cry because someone took away your hawaiian vacation and gave you a red leotard? Like SHE would not have done the EXACT same THING! hypocracy is not a thing I can get down with.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
8 Aug 08
err that should say and actually NOT vote the way that the HOH wanted them to vote. duh me!
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Well I dont like Libra but im a mom myself and I sat there thinking id have taken the trip as well. I love my kids but i know id be seeing them soon after taking that trip lol. Plus i mean Michelle didnt like her much before that so it really didnt change anything except now shes going to hawaii.
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• United States
10 Aug 08
Yea I guess each mom sees things differently. I ahve a disabled daughter so there is no way I would have picked the trip.
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Yes this could turn out to be another interesting week. With Michelle as HOH, the fur is going to fly. I think she will put up Dan and Keesha. Im not too fond of Renny but she does keep things going. I loved it when she went off on Jerry.
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• United States
8 Aug 08
If she is smart she will backdoor Libra. There must be people in the hosue that wnat her out. But eitehr Dan or Keesha gone could be good too. Renny does keep things interesting that's for sure.
• United States
8 Aug 08
I think she'll put up Libra. Libra took the Hawaiian trip from her, and she was not at all happy about that.
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@Theresam (1177)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I think Kesha will be going up and maybe Remmy. This is such a good season! I am really enjoying it.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I think, at least for now, Memphis is safe with Michelle in the house. But, April still wants Memphis out so, he needs to watch out for her and Ollie. Dan may be a target now as far as Michelle, Jerry, Ollie and April are concerned but, he probably has the backing of Keesha, Libra and Renny since he sided with them and took out Jessie. Although, it depends on whether he is supposed to, or gets to, tell them that he was AP. I know they already suspect which, essentially means that they know it is true. But, without confirmation, that is really just speculation. I want Libra gone too. I can not stand that girl. With Michelle as HOH, I think you could be right that there were be some tempers going nuts. Renny...I both like and don't like her. LOL! I respect the fact that she was able to get rid of the huge target she managed to get on her back at the beginning. You have to applaud her for that. And, she really is close with Keesha. I think April will probably dislike her now that she sees what side Renny took as far as the Jessie versus Memphis thing. But, that group had to fracture and split in half anyway eventually.
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• United States
8 Aug 08
Yes I agree I give Renny credit for that. And she is playing wisely I mean she stirs the pot and watchs the people walk out the door while all the houseguest go after each other. She may pull it off if she doesn't stir too hard. Jerry could to.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Thank you so much for the best response! I really appreciate it!
8 Aug 08
It's pretty easy to see what'll happen The house is split right now into April, Ollie, Jerry, Michelle vs. Libra, Renny, Keesha, Dan with Memphis in the middle. I think after this week when Libra or Dan goes home (likely nominations) Memphis will join up with Michelle. If Libra goes home, which she likely would against Dan to me, it'll go something like - Dan, Memphis, Michelle vs. Keesha, Renny, vs. April, Ollie, Jerry. After this week, it's anyones game, depends on who wins HoH then
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• United States
9 Aug 08
Yes JMoney I agree but with veto comp we all know things can change very quickly. And I think Jerry may see and hear things he isn't sharing. As he was in the milatary he I am sure he knows how to keep information and even act "dumb" in certain situtions.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I think Libra is ok. She isn't my favorite, but I don't dislike her. I also think she had every right to take that gift from Michelle. If you watch you see Michelle and Jesse laughing that Libra got the red jumper. They should of held that in until game was over. So I think Michelle got what was coming to her. And it doesn't make Libra a bad person for doing so. It's a game and nobody really wanted that red jumper! Can't blame them either for that.. If anyone thinks their crap doesn't stink its Michelle. I really don't like her and she is the one that seems to THINK she rules the house. She might have HOH, but I feel things will backfire... like always... but we will seee... As for Renny, well she is a trip... I don't dislike her, but I think she can run her mouth and sometimes I wish she would hush it, but she also makes everyone laugh. As for Dan.... well.... LOL! He might be able to pull it off.... maybe...
• United States
8 Aug 08
Well yes Michelle went a bit nutso over things. But I like ehr and can't wait to see what happens next. Dan I hate to say it since he is from the same state as me is gone I don't know how he can pull himself out of this one.
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
8 Aug 08
I love Renny. She is my absolute favorite. She is just biding her time to strike. I cannot stand Libra. She thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. Maybe 'crushed' bag of chips. LOL For some reason, I do not like Michelle. "This is for Jesse", blah, blah, is a *game* for God's sakes. Poor Dan. Once they find out though...
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• United States
8 Aug 08
Well isn't there a houseguest in every season that says that? Ok Keesha said it too. Libra is doomed she has walked around that house like she owns it and i can't wait to see her walk out that door.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I hope that Dan doesn't get screwed because he was AP. I think that Michelle will go after Libra and Keesha or one of them and Dan. I like Renny. She is a hoot to watch. Jerry bores me!
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• United States
8 Aug 08
The whole AP thing in my mind was so stupid too close in season's to do that and i mean come on although I think the houseguests have made some bad games moves the can't be that stupid to not know it was him.