wat if u dont know if u can give birth or not wat can u feel?

August 8, 2008 2:19am CST
wat do u feel if u have problem in giving birth to a child that u have a husband and he wants to have a baby ....
4 responses
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
Many couple would have difficulty conceiving but there are various ways to try. There's IUI, there's IVF and a whole lot more. Pray to God that He may bless you with the chance to procreate or grant you acceptance for whatever He plans for you. Almost everyhusband would want kids of their own, but if its not meant to be remember that he married you because you love each other and not for the purpose of bearing his child. He should understand. My husband and I are trying to conceive but unfortunately I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes few months ago. We have to put it on hold until my blood sugar levels are well controlled. I also worry about the risk & complications but I completely entrust everything to God.
• United States
8 Aug 08
I was told all my life I couldn't have children due to some damage inflicted when I was younger.. I am proud to say I have an almost 5 year old son. I had lots of complications during the pregnancy and birth, and almost didn't make it.. If God wants you to have children he will let you. We have been trying for baby #2 for over 2 years and nothing has happened...My suggestion is to get checked, there are lots of things doctors can do now a days.. Don't put yourself at risk by having a baby though, because I'm sure it wouldn't be fun having a child that you will never see...Good luck!!
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@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Today are so many tools to help mothers to have babies, did you try all already?
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
I think that your husband will eventually understand the situation. If you want to, try searching the internet for support. Don't feel so bad. I have read that you shouldn't try so hard to conceive. It will come at the right moment. Welcome to MyLot!