New Fall Line Up and Shows Final Rounds

tv  - Colourful TV
August 8, 2008 4:07pm CST
have you looked into or see the new fall line up? Have you heard if your shows will or will not be coming back next year? Shows Like- ER - final season Corner Gas - final season The Shield - final season Montel -retiring Ebert & Roeper - retiring Men in Trees - canceled after this year
2 responses
8 Aug 08
Thankfully and yet unfortunately, ER is coming back for it's final season. There were rumours last year that they weren't coming back for the final season. Could never understand why though! Most of my shows that I watched have all ended like Jericho, O.C. (who didn't watch that show!), NUMB3RS is still going, Burn Notice is back. I'm most excited for 24 which is supposed to come back in January 2009!! And of course American Idol and Amazing Race are coming back for like the bajillionth time! This fall season should be pretty good.
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• Canada
10 Aug 08
the only show I will really miss is ER I watched that show faithfully but hopefully House, CSI and Criminal Minds can fill that void but it is a large void. It seems the good shows go first because the have a long run or get pushed out. I mean there are to many low end shows out there still going that shouldnt be.
• United States
10 Sep 08
The only show that I was really disappointed that wasn't coming back was 'MoonLight'. I loved that show! 'Men in Trees' was ok, but I really won't miss it.