Nasty People You Cannot Avoid!

August 9, 2008 3:23am CST
My new job has been extremely stressful, difficult customers, lots of politics, a boss that is not pleased by my performance, despite my best efforts to make things work. How should I deal with my Depression/ stress/ anxiety?
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3 responses
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
10 Aug 08
i would look for something else that might be more to your liking. it is not good to be unhappy at work. you have to spend too much time there not to like your job. I would look for something else and just sta.y there as long as you need to.
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@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Just find a new job and leave this one, that will help, lots of jobs around!
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@slepart (207)
• Philippines
23 Aug 08
Well if you are having a stressed day because of your boss, you always have the option to look for other job right? a healthy environment is very important to become more productive...