A Cinderella Story?

August 11, 2008 10:38pm CST
I grew up wanting to get married and live happily ever after, just like Cinderella. When Charlie proposed to me. I carefully laid the groundwork for my dream. But as soon as the honeymoon was over, Charlie's courting stopped. He wanted to focus on his career. I felt disappointed and left out. For the next 12 years, I courted him, trying to get him to love me the way I wanted to be loved. But the harder I tried, the more he pulled away.. Just like in Fairytale. I feel that my Fairytale Ended, I grew depressed as Charlie's career became productive, I was excited for him when he began to go to different country to advertise such product. However, I was more looking forward to it being over. Inside I was thinking, 'When this is over, he will put me first'. But he didn't. He had a workaholic impulse. He pursued a list of goals and I was near the bottom. I considered divorce, but I wondered if any man could love me the way I wanted to be loved. Was there even such a thing as the perfect marriage? It didn't look like it anymore.
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3 responses
@izhuce13 (158)
• China
12 Aug 08
first i think the story of Cinderella make many girls have a unrealistic dream. in the real life, the prince is not so easy to meet,and all our marriage is no so sweet as the honeymoon.this is life. do not want to keep a longturn honey after marry. try to keep independence. and have more interests.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
So sorry to hear that you never wanted to get what you wanted in your marriage, but take a look at it you married a very productive person. Most women would dream of marrying a person that is as industrious as your husband. I think you are just too idealistic about how marriages should be. I think you need to refocus your idea about marriages. There is nothing like a perfect marriages and yours is already an ideal one, a good husband and a very responsible one. He may not look like he is doing this for you but I think he does it for you and your family. I do hope that you stop dreaming of the fairytale marriages because as far as i know it doesn't exist even the royal families of England doesn't have a fairy tale stories of their own f yopu would noticed how Prince Charles ended with Princess Diana, tragic right and now he is ended with a commoner and is very unpopular. So realize this you already have a good catch in there be happy with that and surely enough when you finally realize that he will take notice of that and you'll live happily ever after for sure.
@slepart (207)
• Philippines
23 Aug 08
Just enjoy what you have right now.. you should be thankful for having a better half.. at least he doesn't have other girl right... This is reality and not a fairy tale... problems may arise anytime... i think your problem is not really a big deal.. try to approach your husband regarding this...