Which book are you reading these days?

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August 15, 2008 10:45am CST
im reading Stephen King's "Dreamcatcher"...its so exciting~~~which book are u reading these days?and who is the writer?
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8 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
15 Aug 08
Hi Lovecoffin, I have seen the film Dreamcatcher and the last Stephen King book I read was Insomnia which is excellent but at this moment in time I am reading a fantastic book called Letter from Poitou by Michael Eardley who is in fact a direct descendent of one of the characters in the book, he is also a fellow myLotter too. I would recommend this book to anyone. I am about a third of the way through and find I struggle to put down. Ellie :D
• China
15 Aug 08
Well,thanx for ur recommend...but u know,my english is poor. I need to learn more...and then i can understand the total meaning of every book:X
@egdcltd (12059)
15 Aug 08
I saw the film version of Dreamcatcher and it wasn't brilliant. Is the book better?
• China
15 Aug 08
ya,but i didnt see the film version before...My english isnt very good.so i read it slowly~
@TheDevil (840)
• India
17 Aug 08
Hi there, I am currently reading Careless by Elizabeth George , actually i am reading it for a second time ..its a hard book to put it away...
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
16 Aug 08
Stephen King is one of my favorite authors and i have a lot of his books. I have read many of them not only once but several times because it seems more fun when you read a book again since you tend to understand better the more times you read it. I love suspense/horror books like his books and i just finished reading "The Stand" for the fourth time.since i first read it way back in the 1990's
• United States
16 Aug 08
i am reading The Other Boleyn Girl right now Its by Philippa Gregory Its set back in the 1520's its really good. They made it into a movie i hope to see but i like reading the book first
@Alex90 (22)
• China
17 Aug 08
Well,i am reading "back to be the ancestor"writen by Duo Na,a Chinese young writer,i like this book so much,it's exciting
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
16 Aug 08
Since I cannot find a copy of the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft, I'm reading it online. H.P. Lovecraft IS the Stephen King of his time. His stories are pure Gothic and primeval! I think I read in some other site that Lovecraft inspired King as a writer; or any other veteran horror writers and up coming writers.
• United States
16 Aug 08
Dreamcatcher is my favorite book by stephen king. I am currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and its about Vlad the Impaler and Dracula. So true to form for me i am reading another vampire novel. I also picked up three new books today by J R Ward, The black dagger brotherhood novels, which of course are vampire novels.