I dont want dog-eared books!

August 16, 2008 8:11am CST
i find no justice on dog-eared books. why wont readers use bookmarks or any thin piece of marker? wont it look nice and presentable if they use markers? dont they like to be neat and fair with the book?
4 responses
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Bookmarks are too much trouble for me. They can get lost and fall out of books and I never have one on hand when I am reading. And, I'm someone who feels that the story itself is more important than the packaging looking neat. I read somewhere that there are two types of readers. The courtly romancer (I'm paraphrasing that one) and the lusty lover. The courtly romancer shows their love for books by treating them gently and making sure they look as much like brand new as possible. You seem to be a courtly romancer. Then, there are the lusty lovers, who's books have clearly been read by the state that they're in. I'm a lusty lover with my own books, but I have to be gentle and courtly with other people's books.
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• Philippines
17 Aug 08
oh yes i am, angelwriter. nice paraphrasing, huh. so i am a courtly romancer.i am both gentle to my books and to other people's books.
18 Aug 08
I admit i love book marks and sometimes use scraps of paper or yarn but sometime i am guilty of folding pages I prefere the pristine but there are times especially with paperbacks
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Aug 08
Almost all our books are dog eared. My kids love to read the same books over and over again and they wear them out. I look at it as a good thing personally because it means the books has been used and has been loved and enjoyed. If I find a book in perfect condition, unless it is brand new, I often wonder what is wrong with it.
@egdcltd (12059)
16 Aug 08
I tend to leave my books open to mark the page I'm on, which also isn't a good idea. I do use bookmarks, but eventually, I'll be reading a book that I won't finish, and the bookmark stays in that book. I do use a lot of scrappy bits of paper to mark places too.
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