are you familiar with 'last song' syndrome?

i forgot the song! hahahaha - got this picture while watching this koreanovela, lovers in paris.
August 17, 2008 8:36am CST
i get victimized by this when i get off from a jeepney or when i leave the house. it usually happens when you get involved with the songs you hear from the radio. so when you go to work, you dont notice that you're singing the last song you've heard before that minute.and the rest of your colleagues would be mesmerized with your singing and would sing the same song when you get over it. and the cycle goes on. funny, isn't it? the retention we apply to interesting things that has impressive effects on others, not just ourselves. have u had your share of this?
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2 responses
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
Oh, same here. I get victimized a lot too. I'll sing it over and over until I realized it. And then I will try to change the song, but I end up singing it again. Do you live in the Philippines? If you do for sure you know the Nido commercial of Sharon Cuneta and her daughters. Ughhhh.... I;ve been singing it for days. I am beginning to be obssesed with it that I am writing the lyrics and singing it again and again.
• Philippines
17 Aug 08
is it really called as last song syndrome? yah. it happened to me a lot of times. sometimes it gives me a headache. but well, we cant refrain from it. it is better that way than noise all over around.