What do you like to eat your fries with?

United States
August 19, 2008 1:20pm CST
Besides ketchup is there anything else that you would like to eat your fries with. What do you put on top of it. I personally don't like ketchup with my fries, but I will either have chili cheese fries, which are my favorite, hot sauce and fries, or ranch dressing with french fries. What about you?
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16 responses
• United States
19 Aug 08
i love ketchup, or mayo, or honey.. those are my favorite oh and I can't forget gravy....mmmmm now I am hungry for fries...lol
• United States
19 Aug 08
lol, never tried gravy on fries, but honey on fries thats a first I've ever heard that.
• United States
24 Aug 08
lets see, i love metled cheese and gravy on my fries sometimes. then theres always ketchup. or honey mustard sauce. sweet and sour. and i do also like mayo with my fries
@donna22 (1116)
22 Aug 08
My favourite thing to have with fries (well chips here lol) is cheese and garlic sauce from the takeaway but I dont have that a lot cos very fattening. I just have it for a treat. When Im at McDonalds or somewhere I like to have barbeque sauce. I prfer that to tomato ketchup. I also like curry sauce.
@jaded22 (828)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
Hi there, Well I really love ketchup with my fries. I also like ranch dressing. Lol. Those are the two that I put on top of my fries.
• Philippines
23 Aug 08
i like to dip my fries in gravy when ketchup is unavailable for me that would be the next best thing... mustard and mayo aren't far behind though.. x)
@xtiner (45)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08
sometimes i eat it with rice (yummy!!!) often times i eat it with ice cream (must try!!!) oooooooooohhhhhh!!! ssssssssssooooooooooooo YUMMMY!!!!!
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Depends on my mood..sometimes its mayo..sometimes its ketchup..sometimes (though very rare) its the works (ketchup, gravy, vinegar, salt and pepper) and sometimes its Poutine (cheese curd and gravy)
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Most of the time I will eat my fries with just a little salt on them. one of our local bars though has really great fries. They put old bay seasoning on them and then they top them with bacon and cheese and ranch dressing. It is sooo good! Dipping in ranch is good. My friend used to ask for mcdonalds big mac sauce in a cup and dip her fries in that.
@quawertz (777)
• Philippines
21 Aug 08
I love dipping my fries into a sundae. It taste so good with that. I also like it with melted cheese. The kind that a local fast food have in their menu. Love it!!
• United States
19 Aug 08
I like to eat my fries with hot sauce, zesty sauce, or even icecream discovered this one since I got pregnant and man does it taste so darn good.
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
19 Aug 08
I do not French fries but I do like to have a potato wedges and it is so delicious when I am using a Hot chili sauce and sometimes with mustard sauce.....
@candymarie (1368)
• Canada
19 Aug 08
Hrm, Ketchup, Mayo, chipolte sauce, BBQ sauce, sometimes I mix seasoning spice and parm cheese in with the mayo and just YUM!! OH! And I like to dip them in honey....the fries, not the mayo....and plum sauce....actually, I'd prolly dip them in anything lol
• Canada
19 Aug 08
Hy's seasoning salt is my usual spice. Sometimes I like just puttying salt and pepper on them. ketchup is a definite no no. Or any other sauce for that matter
• United States
21 Aug 08
i love fries . and i love them with ketchup. i like cheese too. or chili cheese freinds. but ketchup is my fav. prob cuz ketchup is my fav.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
19 Aug 08
i personally prefer ketchup, but my daughter hates ketchup and eats her fries with vinegar...here in canada we have poutine (i dont like it personally) but it is fries with cheese (melted) and gravy (i think its nasty to be honest!)
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
19 Aug 08
Mayonnaise, lol. That's what most people put on it in Germany. That or ketchup or both. Here in the US it's rare for people to use mayonnaise. I have heard some people in Michigan do. I usually see raised eyebrows, if I put mayonnaise on my fries, but I love it;)