terrorism: the presence of MILF in southern philippines

August 20, 2008 7:49am CST
for a few days now, the attack of MILF in north cotabato and its environ created a massive explosion on the many lives of filipinos, both christians and muslims. women and children were killed without pity. the saga of territorial domain has never ended. this has been a major problem in mindanao for centuries. and the killings has not yet ended. not until they get what they want. though it would mean greater risks on behalf of millions of filipino people.
1 response
• Philippines
20 Aug 08
I don't know if it has been centuries but it's been here and I think it will forever stay. I'm not being pessimistic, I am just looking on what's given. Do they still know what they are fighting for? Are we not brothers, we all live in the same land. Although we differ in religion, we are one country and we are Filipinos. I'd like to confront those leaders and slap them one by one to make them realize what they've cause. What is the aftermath doesn't concern them, all they want are their personal agendas. Grrrr...