Do you think I should continue singing?

August 21, 2008 10:18am CST
I love to sing almost any kind of song. I can even sing japanese and chinese songs with correct pronunciation even though I don't speak the language. I can hit high notes and I have wide range of genres that I can choose from that's how much I love music. My friends keep on asking me to join contests and stuff because they think that I'm a great singer. But of course I know that I'm not I maybe a good singer or maybe just well enough but not great.. Besides the one thing that keeps me from joining real contests is that I know that there are a lot of people out there who can sing a lot better than I can. Besides, I have tried out for auditions once or twice, but I get halfway through then I get cut off. I do sing at school though.. Do you think I should keep,pursuing singing? i want opinions on this.. I want to know whether I should go with it or just stick to my studies which'll lead me to my career in the future...
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1 response
@jedimind (200)
• Singapore
5 Dec 08
if singing is what you love to do, then i think you could pursue it. However, if it ever gets a to a point where singing is just dull and you just do it because you have to, then that's where i think you should stop. For me, i think i can sing about average, and i probably won't pursue a career in it because i think it would just be stressful to be in the singing industry. I wouldn't mind singing for functions, church performances or minor competitions though.