Explain "Costumer is always right"

August 23, 2008 10:04am CST
hi there my lotter, how can you explain this in your own opinion??do you believe with this or not? For me, yes costumer is always right, even if they made mistakes we should always listen to their opinions cause they are the one consumes our products or anything..we also need to have an explanation what ever kind of question or anything they want just to make them satisfied.
1 response
25 Aug 08
The customer is NOT always right. They should, however be TREATED right. The difference is that, even if you know things will not be favored on your side, business owners or sellers should make it a point to appease the customer. Also, it is best that business owners put the client's perspectives in their own shoes. I know it is hard to be servillous but it if the client did have an experience, people usually remember the bad ones.