Going on holidays! How should I prepare with my ptc sites etc? How do you do it?

@Emiese (994)
August 24, 2008 5:52am CST
I thought I am gonna ask for your advice on this. I am going on holidays for just over two weeks, leaving Thursday. I am having some problems knowing what to do with my ptc sites etc, so that is why I am asking you for pointers, reminders and ideas! I know that there are many sites that deletes you if you are passive, but I think most of them allow a time of about a month. However, do you know any sites that doesn't allow as much as 15 days of passivity, please let me know! Basically what I want is whatever you can think of that may be of importance. I started this ptc business just this spring so I have not yet been away for so long in one go, and therefore do not know any consequences. I don't want to miss something and loose my account just because I forgot to make a profile update or send them an email. What are your experiences, what preparations do you do, do you contact admins? Any details about specific sites that can be important, I am using many different ptc sites! Please let me know anything that might help! It is greatly appreciated!
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2 responses
@gabbana (1815)
• China
24 Aug 08
sorry, don't know how to deal with the websites, all i can advise you is to enjoy your precious holiday thoroughly. go for fun, forget about everyday routines.
@Emiese (994)
• Sweden
24 Aug 08
Thank you! I definitely will!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
25 Aug 08
you are right doing this before leaving for vacation coz really, some of the sites would delete your account when you're gone for some time, though that is site dependent (some updates it every 2 weeks but most often it's 4 weeks). i think it would be wise to check your sites one by one if they have this kind of arrangements like you have to give them notice when you go for vacation. in some of my sites, under the "my user info" they simple remind you if you're going on vacation so that they won't delete your account and all you have to do is to place the date when you will be back from vacation. if none of this is in your sites then the best thing is to contact the admin, send them a ticket that you're going for vacation stating those dates and when are you coming back.