How Many Friends Do You Have in Facebook? Are They Friends in Real Life?

Hong Kong
August 26, 2008 7:42am CST
I have been on facebook for awhile but never really investigate anything there. But a young colleague added me there these days and suddenly a bunch of colleagues start adding me. Now I have 18 friends and I know everyone of them, either colleagues or ex-schoolmates. So, how many friends do you have there? Do you know each of the "friends" there? Would you add someone there if you don't know them?
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4 responses
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Aug 08
I have about 4 friends in Facebook. Only one of them is my real friend. As to others, I just accepted their friend's requests but I don't have a communication with them after that. I seldom use Facebook because I don't like its feature very much. I registered it just wanted to see my friend's photos and that's all. I love China
1 person likes this
• Hong Kong
29 Aug 08
Right, it does look a little messy to me!
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
i have several facebook accounts but i maintain my personal account amongst my friends that i personally know. the other accounts which i have linked in to my personal accounts is where i gather friends around the world which i use to make money , that is where i place my rss feeds from my home website. it is some sort of networking to increase traffic and hopefully convert into sales. you know my email account, if you want to link in , just type in my email addy .
• Hong Kong
29 Aug 08
Right. Used to have those accounts for making money, less interested in it now as I have been working full time and it drains my energy completely. But I am sure one day I will be back!
30 Aug 08
I have 191 friends on facebook. I know the majority of them through school, college, work and family, but there's a handful that are online friends, a few of which I have met in real life anyway.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
27 Aug 08
I find facebook rather difficult to navigate compared to some other sites. I only joined because the PTW site Triond recommended it. I am a bit troubled by the concept of buddy lists on sites such as FaceBook. MyLot does it better, I think.
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• Hong Kong
29 Aug 08
Right, it looks complicated and things are not that easy to be found there, that's why I ignored it for awhile.