methods for saving energy

August 27, 2008 5:52am CST
can u tell me some methods for saving electricity.will electric heater take more power?can u tell me some methodsfor reducing higher electricity bills.
1 response
@Wizzywig (7847)
27 Aug 08
put on a jumper instead of turning the heating up; block any draughts and keep doors and windows closed; use low-energy light bulbs; only boil as much water as you need (or fill a flask/thermos to use later); dont leave appliances on standby; switch off your monitor if you're away from the PC for a bit; switch off appliances that have LED clocks at the plug; have one baking session and freeze meals for the rest of the week; never leave lights on in an empty room (except as a security measure if there's no-one home); descale appliances; only do full loads in the washing machine:go to bed earlier instead of sitting here on myLot till the early hours.....