Cochin Bantams and Other Poultry

United States
August 31, 2008 4:24pm CST
I am interested in raising cochin bantams and other breeds of poultry on my (future) homestead. I've been reading about them and they seem like a great breed that will both fill my needs and be enjoyable. They're so cute and I love watching chickens go about thier daily business. I thinkof all the livestock I've been around, chickens are my favorite! I also like cows and pigs. Yes, pigs! I'm also interested in turkey, pheasant, quial and ducks. I heard geese are fun to have around, but I've also heard they're best left in the feilds. The way I see it, they can come to my pond if they like, but I'd rather not have them roaming around my yard picking on my dogs and cats. lol I'd really love to hear from anyone who's had experiences, good or bad, with different types of poultry. =D Do you raise poutlry? Do you like watching them? What are some stories you have to share? What are your favorite breed of livestock poultry? Do you hunt wild poultry? What are some of your favorite poultry recipes?
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2 responses
• United States
2 Sep 08
I am not familiar with poultry breeds. I have 8 chickens now and all I know is they keep me supplied with plenty of brown eggs. I responded to a discussion here on MyLot once about the different colors of eggs that the different breeds lay... I am really looking forward to having some of those kinds of chickens. (I got BR in that discussion, hehehe, so it will be easy to find when the time comes. ) I LOVE the sounds of hens contentedly clucking while they roam around the yard!!! It is somehow so life affirming. I also love geese, and would welcome them to my pond, but I mostly just like to watch them and hear them as they fly overhead. I have some chicken stories and some bear stories too, which I have posted around here, but I think this is the beginning of a long friendship, hehehe, so you will have plenty of other opportunities to hear them when I am not so excited that my fingers are tripping over themselves and will not type fast enough to keep up with the words in my head! I don't even know you and I love you already!!!
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• United States
2 Sep 08
I love the hens so much! =D The roosters are welcome as well. I'm a morning person so they've never disturbed me. The sound of the rooster makes me smile, knowing that I'm in a place I love to be! I was in a discussion similar that asked if people would keep cockerels. I definately would! For pest control, food, breeding, trading and intruder alerts. They're very helpful if you keep your birds responsibly. I keep chickens for more than just the eggs, so I don't mind a few rooster hanging around until they're big enough to roast. =P I'm grinning ear to ear! Thank you for making me smile! lol
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• United States
2 Sep 08
Yeah, well, none of us are morning people really. I do love the early morning, it is the freshest, crispest part of the day, but I have usually been up too late the night before to drag my butt out of bed too early. And since the chickens rely on us to let them out in the AM and none of us gets out there too often before 10 they have become late risers themselves, so any crowing the rooster does before that is just a very sleepy sounding half-a$$ed attempt to put on a pretense of being normal.
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• United States
2 Sep 08
PS: I don't know what a cockerel is! And to Darkjedi... I got a good laugh over your fingers tripping over themselves too! Jeez, how nice it would be to have that effect on people!!!
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• United States
3 Oct 08
Hi NekoWashu! Yes, I raise poultry. I have 5 different breeds of chickens: Lakenvelders (Germany), Golden Laced Wyandottes (American, Wisconsin), Americaunas (American/Cuban), Andalusians (Spain) and Dominques (American - the "original" homesteaders chicken!). I LOVE watching them. We have a swing bench right outside the yard and we frequently watch "chicken TV" when we have a chance. They are truly hilarious. I purposely got the Lakenvelders because the look like my cat Delilah. She is white with a black tail and a black spot on her head. She loves to hang out with the hens...but not too close! She will sit in their yard, but sometimes one of the Lakenvelders (Heidi) will decide that Delilah is just a big furry chicken and go over to say hi. Delilah likes her privacy so she will get up to move away...this just makes Heidi move in faster. Soon enough, Heidi is sprinting at full speed chasing Delilah around! It's rather funny to watch! I don't know which is my favorite of these 5. I love that the Americaunas lay green/blue eggs, but only one of them is friendly. The Wyandottes are all mean old biddies if you ask me! My very favorite chicken is one of the Andalusians. They are a small breed and very hardy. Galla likes to jump on my shoulder while I'm in the yard and ride around and look "down" on the other hens! :p And I don't hunt and I can't give you any recipes...I'm a vegetarian!
• United States
11 Oct 08
That's great! "Chicken tv" is a favorite pastime of mine as well. As a girl I could collect the eggs, but I was always a little shy around the hens. I'd spend most of my time picking grass for them and watching them jump to catch the blades of grass that rained down. So cute! I would love to see pics of your kitty and her hen sisters! =D