Problems with dissertation

@Lauzzy (27)
September 1, 2008 3:22pm CST
I have to submit my final MA dissertation in less than 2 months time only I am completely stuck. My supervisor is not much help and I was wondering if anyone could possibly give me some advice as I am really panicking.I cannot concentrate and to make matters worse I'm starting to think I'm a dummy as I can't understand what I'm reading!!! I don't even know how to approach the actual dissertation title: History in Isabel Allende's 'Inés del alma mía' ('Inés of my Soul') The book is about the conquest of Chile by Pedro de Valdivia and his concubine Inés Suárez. I have books on the historical novel in general and on the historical novel in Latin America. What else could I use? What sort of questions should I be asking myself in order to answer the question? Does anyone knows where I could get some help, where I could discuss this in more depth with someone?
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