do i need to take supplements to increase weight?

@shav9292 (928)
September 5, 2008 9:42am CST
i go to the gym i managed to burn a lot of fat but i am still under weight i am not getting the extra muscle mass no matter how hard i try. i get strength but not mass. my instructor offered a suggestion that i should take supplements if you need to increase weight. i just want your advice on that, i have decided not to take them they are not steroid based but it would really benefit me if you would give your opinion on it.
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4 responses
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
alot of people are having a problem losing their weight but you're having a problem increasing your weight hehehe.. just like me i want to lose weight in fact i lose almost 9 lbs in a span of 2 mos but i guess i'm gaining more weight again waaaa... if you want to increase weight, eat 5x a day, (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, midnight snack) drink plenty of water so that you will gain weight hehehe..
@shav9292 (928)
• India
5 Sep 08
you are right jinxky but i cant say i completely agree cause eating more increases fat also keep in mind but you are as sweet as always and you have left me no choice but to agree with you... lol take care :)
@excellence7 (3651)
• Mauritius
7 Sep 08
Hi I am a bodybuilder and I have my own home-gym. I am a youngster like you and I have been training since 3-4 years. At the very begining of my training, I could not see any gains in my body. I had been to gymnasium for nearly two years but yet no gain. The simple reason was that I was lacking real information about this. When I gathered all necessary information, I could see gains in muscle size and my look itself has changed completely. This boosted my self-esteem. Remember the secret of bodybuilding: TRAIN HARD + EAT WELL + GOOD SLEEP Also note that we all have different bodies and different genes, so it is not necessary that a supplement which work for your friend need to work for you. Therefore, you must understand your body and see what it really needs. If you think that with heavier reps, you are entirely exhausted- then you must opt for pre-work supplement which provides lots of amino acids and which activate your psycho-active mind (your motivations) such as NanoVapor. In this way, try to assess your bodily needs when you train one day, and then list down your weaknesses. Consult someone who can advise you on how to recover on the different weaknesses. In this way, you will get a better hold of your body because you will start understanding your body. This is very important brother ! If I have really to write, I can write up pages on this topic. But just try what I have tell you, then you can send me private messages- I will help you out. Go hard. Regards
• Mauritius
7 Sep 08
Yes brother, you just don't worry. Try to focus on the demands of your body durign your training. Best of luck
@shav9292 (928)
• India
7 Sep 08
wow....PERFECTLY said.. train hard+eat well+good sleep. yes what you say is 100% correct... i will try to gather more information and consult a expert,,, besides you are an expert yourself aren't you. thank you very much for the information.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
5 Sep 08
Never take supplements, because they are not natural ^_^ UNless u want your muscles to become fats, and with saggy skin, go ahead with supplements.. Supplements will only make u increase in mass just for a short period of time and as time goes by, u stop taking those supplements, u will become much more skinny than b4.. Maybe your trainer is not good enough or maybe he has pushed u too hard that the gym workouts are having the reversed effects instead.. Do u know that if u over-trained, your muscles will be fatigue and they will start to lose mass as they are not enough fats to be burned off, and thus muscles are burned off instead.. Try taking 3-4 days of break, to fully recover and maybe u can see the difference ^_^
@shav9292 (928)
• India
6 Sep 08
thanks for the advice kun...appreciate it. i do overtrain a bit but i will try to get more rest. thanks once again good day :)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I just started back working out seriously about a week ago and taking creatine. creatine really helps I've gained 4 pounds already muscle, also I feel stronger while working out if I drink creatine first and it helps your muscles heal faster and stronger. just go some where like gnc or a gym and ask about it.
@shav9292 (928)
• India
5 Sep 08
yes i will ask about it, thanks for the info. good day blooodshyne.