shall we call it "Teletech Idol"

September 7, 2008 3:22am CST
I just joined singing competition last 2 weeks, which I never thought I would dragged myself into that kind of stuff. I realzed I have this gift when I'm still 6 years old. My cousin often teached vocalizing, memorizing the lyrics since I don't know to read at that time.. and alas, I just knew how to sing "One moment in time". I felt so proud and smug for myself as I was never expected! Crowd applauded so high, congratulated me for doing it amazingly. My passion of singing ceased when we migrated to my father's hometown, I just realized how devastated I am when I didn't hold on to my dreams and passion. I never realized until such time wen I stood in front of the crowd as I was getting ready to perform, my knees began shaking, my hand shook too, I felt so embarrassed finding out that I forgot the lyrics, which lead to stop singing and go on with what needs to be done. Tried to focus myself with my studies, friends, playing around since I was in highschool at that time. After so many years, now that I'm working as a csr, many encouraged me to join singing again and be proud for the gift that was never stolen. In a long run, after a year of being regularized, my attention called with the upper management's decision, having me as their representative. Still th same, my hands and knees shook as I started singing the first and second stanza's of LISTEN by Beyonce, as I went along, I felt the tension lowered down and with that, I heard again the applause which I never heard for so long. I heard them calling out my name and knew they feel proud and happy for me. It really amazed me, I never thought I could go out with my shell and face my greatest fear.. and now here I am with great competence, self-satiction, boost my self-esteem and confidence! Should I be afraid of fighting stage fright...Nah!
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