Want to get rich? Decide and tell me...

September 9, 2008 2:26pm CST
Who doesn't like to become richer? But decide if you want to become rich. It is a lot more complicated subject to decide. Becoming richer is not difficult; if your earning goes up by 10% or 20%, you have achieved it; there is no doubt. But becoming rich is a big responsibility. Will you adopt five Asian destitutes and support them till they become earning members and can provide support to their family members? Or will you comtribute subsantially to the Tsunami victims? Will you book a cruise to celebrate your next aniversary? To become rich is to become financially independent. In other words - you have to attain a state of financial freedom so that you can take care of any spending while leading your life in the (normal)way you choose. People often talk of financial freedom these days. The million doller question is - Can any one attain such a status in his life time? I think, yes - one can certainly attain such a position if he has a strong desire for it. However, one should think of it early in his life and plan well; because it is going to be a mix of two vital elements - earning and saving. One must be able to strike a balance between the two; then he should be able to acheive the status of financial freedom. I invite lively discussion on this subject. The discussion would help thousands of readers who are young and energetic and would rip rich harvest in their lives.
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