First payment from 07bux!

@Emiese (994)
September 13, 2008 3:00am CST
Now I am back from holiday and I got a nice surprise this morning! I had gotten my payment from 07bux last night. I requested it already on June 10th so if I count correctly it has been about 68 working days! I guess it is not ideal, but I am happy I get my money! Since I have continued to click on the site while I waited I now have a much larger request to make! Hopefully I might get that payment around Christmas then! How do you do it, do you stop clicking on sites where you have requested to wait for the payout? Have you to gotten your payout from 07bux recently? (I know many of you were earlier discussing about whether you'd get it and when!) I will put out payment proof on my blog as soon as possible! So have a look there in a while!
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1 response
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
13 Sep 08
Well i will try it on my blog site when i have the time . it is always nice to hear people earned money from websites yea .
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