Spouse driving long Distance

United States
September 13, 2008 1:26pm CST
My husband is now driving a long distance truck and I would like to know if any of you have a spouse who is a long distance truck driver. How this came about is My husband go fired from his job wrongfully because he got hurt on the job and his superviser told him that he needed to fill out workmens comp paper work and he did went to there doctor and had Xrays of his anckle and it was just brused and they said he could go back to work the next day his superviser call him the next day and said you don't need to come in cause you have been suspended util a review board and then that took place and they fired him. For Getting hurt on the Job and that company is not a good company to work for.
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1 response
• Canada
13 Sep 08
My husband used to go with his uncle when his uncle did this for a living . I wouldn't see him for a couple of days and really didn't like it . At the time my husband was also a surveryer and would have to go away for days on end to survey some property that was so far away from where we lived . That is unfair that they were able to do that to your husband . He got hurt working for them and this is how they treat him . The doctor didn't do him any favors by saying he could go back to work the next . The doctor should have put something on the paper stating he had been hurt and needed the time off but was now well enough to go back to work . It doensn't sound like a place you want him going back to work again even after they do a review as you never know what they will do the next time , if they agree to take him back and he is really hurt and is unable to work again . It sounds like they could make things really hard if he was unable to work because of an injury working for them .
• United States
14 Sep 08
Well I don't have to worry about my huddy going back to work for the company that fired him he has a much better job know and I miss him but we will be able to get bill caught up and fix up our house and then maybe we can think about foster to adopt a child since we can't have any. He comes home every 4 to 5 weeks for 4 day and I am always glad to see him and do his laundry and other stuff for him.