Favorite Composer

@kellys3ps (3723)
United States
September 14, 2008 6:33pm CST
My 12 year old son recently found a cd of Chopin that had come free in the mail and decided to listen to it. He came in and said. "I really like Beethoven, mom." When I corrected him he said "Chopin, Beethoven, same thing." LOL! So that made me think, who is your favorite composer?
9 responses
• United States
18 Oct 08
My favorite composer would be Debussy. i love his "clair de lun" and "air" by J.S.Bach. i also love opera their are so many beautiful peices out their. flower duet is one of my favs
• China
18 Sep 08
ya they are same, Chopin and Beethoven are the greatest musician. your song is really cute and clever.i am not into the classical music, so i don't like anyone, my favorite composer is my friend, because he wrote a song to me,really nice, and really impressed.
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
16 Sep 08
Well, I'm not really into the art movements thing and I like to keep my views fresh. My favourite composer would be Nino Rota, but I also like to listen to some Arvo Pärt, Krzysztof Penderecki, Stephen Scott and Steve Reich.
• United States
15 Sep 08
My favorite composer is definitely Puccini! 'La Boheme' is one of the most beautiful operas ever written! Some people say he's too sappy, but his beautiful melodies just get into my system! I also love Samuel Barber, another one who wrote some beautiful melodies. I think it is precious that your son said that about Beethoven and Chopin! How cute! It's also great that he listened to it and enjoyed it. Smart kid!
• United States
15 Sep 08
The post romantic period is probably my favorite and Debussy my favorite composer. His melodies are so beautiful. I'm also very fond of Ralph Vaughn Williams, but I think he was more an orchestrator than a composer.
17 Sep 08
Wow! your son is amazing! that's a good ear training. I'm not familiar with much classical composers, but I like most of the classical compositions :)
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
Hello Kelly. Your son may some day may become a famous composer like Chopin. I like Chopin music too. Another favorite is Johann Strauss. Strauss waltzes are so beautiful and enchanting !
@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
14 Sep 08
So Chopin and Beethoven is the same thing? Hmmm let me think I guess Mozart and Beethoven.
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
I can remember when I was a kid, my dad would put on some Bach when he was working. He told me to be quiet when playing so as not to disturb him. I think it was then when I started liking classical music because as I was playing quietly with my toy cars, Bach was playing.