Which type of mUsic do you listen to.

September 17, 2008 9:26am CST
I listen to pop music.... mostly and what abt you ppl .. which type of music do you listen to????
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8 responses
@Vrbani21 (197)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 Sep 08
My favorite is hardcore/deathcore metal with some good melodic theme. Also I love few Rap songs and classic stuff. When I was kid I used to listen only rap and hip hop now I turned to hardcore/rock/classic. I do like a soundtracks and some drum n base songs, so in my opinion every style of music have some great songs and great lyrics. Every songs is special on her own way, and almost every song has some good point or lesson. So it's not all about the style or your favorite artist, it's all about the song.
@jess_2614 (192)
• India
17 Sep 08
I liken to listen all type of music ....like jazz,pop,hip hop etc..except Rock.....[:)]
17 Sep 08
Mostly the pouplar music on the radio,but I pretty much like any kind of music,the most relaxing type of music is the classical type,but I do like Cleo laine and Johnny Dankworth with the Jazz music,the country music is good too,I like Dolly Parton,nine to five,I would love to make a trip to Nashville to visit the Ole opery
@kjetil64 (118)
• Norway
17 Sep 08
I listen to anything from country to tecno, it really depends on my mood. Right now, I'm listening to sense.fm, which is tecno and trance. I'm listening to music almost all the time. When I'm home, on my way to school, when I'm in the shower. Music is a part of my life.
@BinaryKat (735)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I listen to Smooth Jazz, Old School R&B(circa 70s & 80s), Neo Soul etc etc. Anything that has a great beat that will have me playing the song over and over again lol.
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
I listen to a little bit of everything. From classical music to hip-hop and RnB. Most of the time though, I listen to classic rock and old school rock n' roll.
• United States
17 Sep 08
I listen to a little bit of everything. Mostly, when I'm by myself, though, I listen to Country. I love Jazz and New Age, some pop is okay and I like classic rock and classical, too.
• United States
17 Sep 08
What I listen to depends on my mood. If I'm alone and feeling blah, I listen to soft rock or anything that'll make me cry. If I'm feeling happy, I listen to some oldies and pop music, anything I can call "happy music", lol. I love listening to alternative rock ... at least until my boyfriend gets home. I listen to just about anything: classical, country, alternative, pop, top 40, disco and even some rap.