Why do women intentionally show their cleavage....

@modstar (9605)
September 17, 2008 3:00pm CST
...but hates it when guys look at it? no offense!
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37 responses
• United States
17 Sep 08
:) Actually they don't hate it. They just pose as if they do. I'm sure women like it when they're noticed by men. Anything they do of this kine, is basically meant to attract men. Woman's psychology.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
ah huh.. well now i know! :_ thanks vidu..
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• Philippines
24 Apr 09
I wear them because I feel sexy or just feel warm.Also clothes with cleavage are thin and soft,it's a pity that whenever guys see us wearing this kind of clothing they are already undressing you publicly.But I don't mind at times if guys will look,they can't have it anyway.The only thing I hate is when 60 yo and above men will stare and they think they are still 20 and give you the eye!GROSS!
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
Unfortunately, men's viritily has no expiration date. lol!
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
Don't wear a dress with plunging neckline when we have to meet. I still want to keep my eyes on my eyesockets. lol!
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
Yeah,i know.It's just so very ugh.... when they look at you.Makes me wanna tear their eyes off from their sockets.LOL!
@rebekkahm (149)
• Canada
18 Sep 08
It's a huge double standard that a large percentage of women use to feel more powerful than men. They do it for attention and so that they can make a scene. Personally, I feel the same as most of you. If you're going to put it on display, expect it to get noticed. And not necessarily in the manner that you were hoping. Most decent men don't go for the hotly dressed tramp. They go for the smartly dress nice girl. If you're dressed like trash, chances are you're going to attract it.
• United States
18 Sep 08
well said!
• United States
18 Sep 08
Its a great question. I have shown cleavage on occasion, i wont deny it, but i dont show it so low that my nipples are about to pop out either. I definitely am not one to complain if a man looks, i mean you put it out there, deal with it if someone looks...if they were showing their assets, wouldnt most women look as well? Rather a woman shows it or not is her own business, but I agree, dont complain about it then.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Cheer to you! :)
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
Yes, you know there are women who really like to show up souls but get angry when men look what they are flaunting. I am a woman but I don't like other women showing off private parts especially when it looks like they want to be insulted. I hate seeing girls who intentionally "expressed"what they had but rankled when naughty men darted their eyes on it. What on earth they do that? Every time I wear clothes, I make it a point that I look very decent and I never wear dresses and blouses with plunging necklines, because I feel very uncomfortable when men started "routing"in my chest with no apparent reason.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
27 Apr 09
That's true jlamela! I believe that ladies can still be sexy at the same time decent when they dress appropriately.
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• Philippines
24 Apr 09
I am proud of my bust size.I wear dresses with low neckline.It's unavoidable that guys look at my cleavage.I'm not offended at all.the only thing I hate is when I talk to a guy and he's not staring at my face.instead he's staring at my cleavage,the whole time.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
No offense but i noticed your overwhelming bust size too! Well i'm glad you have no issues about it. lol! Yeah, that usually happens a lot but for me personally, a glimpse would be enough.
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• Philippines
24 Apr 09
oh really???hehehehe thanks I take it as a compliment
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@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
17 Sep 08
LOL well I'm a semi busty woman and I show my cleavage on occasion but I dont get angry about others looking....I'll never understand women like that..I mean if you dont like ppl looking, COVER 'EM UP!!
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
I highly agree! Maybe they're just being fashionable or something.
• United States
17 Sep 08
No offense taken. In my opinion (as a woman) the only reason they show it off is to get noticed. Perhaps to share a gift that God has given them to the world. I've worn low cut tops before and the only reason I'd done it was to feel attractive and flaunt what I've got. I don't mind if men ogle me...that's the whole intention. ;)
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
i agree, i do think it's a gift and ladies should be proud of. i guess it's just a matter of how well women project. thank you ladies and men for the favorable answers! :)
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
18 Sep 08
It is quite simple, they want to invite attention. Actually, everybody wants that others should pay attention to her. It is a different issue that for it they adopt different tactics to succeed. I feel those who are naturally very beautiful may not adopt the tactics of exposure because they know that their charming face is an asset and people will surely notice them. However, those with average look may adopt other tactics to attract others, such as showing their cleavage. (It is purely my personal opinion. I've no intention of hurting anybody's feelings.)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
No offense taken... I'm not really "flaunting" mine since it isn't that big anyway, hehehe... But oh well, I do show some skin whenever I feel like doing it. It actually depends on my mood (I'm not talking for all women here, who knows what goes on those brains?). There are just times that I wanna look and feel sexy, so I show some skin. I don't hate it when guys look at it though, serves me right for flaunting them right? I get offended though when a guy started to do "something else" while looking at it just like what I experienced riding a jeepney once. A guy kept staring at my not-so luscious cleavage and then covered his lower part with some books, opened his pants and took out his "youknow". Gosh! I almost kicked him! I just have to get off the vehicle or I'll end up in jail, hehehe... Oh well, I guess that's what we get for looking sexy.
@qiao522 (449)
• China
28 Apr 09
Maybe they don't hate it they are just pretending to be a lady or something. They feel good confident prerogative cause they have their cleavage, then they show it to feel better when guys are interested in them.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
17 Sep 08
its not on porpose to show it.its the style of the top.so maybe also teasing to some hot guys and the girl pretending that she hates if the guy looking at her.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
1 May 09
no wonder you are getting responses for this discussion even after 8 months! Yes, they do show it intentionally but they will not like when we will look at them but I think they don't do that to show us their flesh, may be they want to hav some air into their body by loosing up their top or whatever it is, can't it be true?
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• United States
17 Sep 08
LOL..none taken modstar. Personally, I dont' take offense or hate it when a man looks at my cleavage. That's why I show it. I don't know why any woman who intentionally shows their cleavage would hate it. Seems to me that if they hate it so much, they should cover up. And if they are going to flaunt it, then they should accept the fact that it's gonna get stared at!
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 May 09
Haha i've never done that or my mom, my little brother, my set of uncles and aunts, my guy cousins will rrrreeeaaalllyyy be mad at me! LOL. i have nothing against girls who show their cleavage but i guess it should be in an appropriate place
• Philippines
30 May 09
Hehe that was particularly the reason why most of my admirers should pass the standards of my whole kinsfolk before me hehe and believe it or not there's only one guy who passed their judgments. Back to the topic, I think being sexy means being comfortable of what you wear regardless of bust exposure. For me elegance is not a show off. Great discussion you have here, that still remains a mystery to me hehe
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
30 May 09
Quite a conservative family there huh?
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@pinks17 (2192)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
hahaha I don't have them...but I hate it when men look at my butt.
@pinks17 (2192)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
told ya..OUr big boss up there didn't create a perfect person.I may miss one thing that's important for a woman..At least I was blessed with a great pair of butt..modesty aside but it's not just my boyfriend who loves it but others noticed it too.At least I know that I still have one thing to be proud of.hehe.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
Hey you're smart too!
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
You must have these lovely orange peel. ;)
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
27 Feb 09
hates it? of course not. LOOOOOOOOOOL.. well showing a lit of cleavage is sexy.. hehhee
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
Just a little?
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
yeah a little .. not totally my whole boobs. LOOOOL!
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
20 Jan 09
Thank God all my shirts are almost turtlenecks....(i'm boring, but I don't mind) Am I boring?
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
This discussion reminds me of the days when i thought you're on yout 40s.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
20 Jan 09
i'll take that as a compliment! Lol!
@britt_200 (1226)
• United States
20 Jan 09
@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
1 May 09
I intentionally show it just for my boyfriend hahahaha.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
28 May 09
Let me guess, his username is iamsoluckytoo? lol!
@britt_200 (1226)
• United States
20 Jan 09
those girls are stupid...you show your cleavage to be sexy...embrace the fact youre sexy and that man is looking and noticing you are sexy! be sexy! show the world!
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
20 Jan 09
I like the way you think. I hope the rest will follow.
@britt_200 (1226)
• United States
20 Jan 09
lol well i hate that too when girls get all sad when ppl look...if you dont want ppl to look dont show...if you do embrace it! hehe...
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
22 Jan 09
Maybe changing is not an option for them so they settle for the sexy clothes.
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