Need costume ideas for my 8 year old son

@lilybug (21107)
United States
September 17, 2008 5:03pm CST
Every character that he can think of for Halloween they do not make in his size. The biggest I can find is a 7 - 8 and he would have to go naked underneath for it to fit. I thought I could make him a costume this year, but I need some ideas to throw at him. Got any good ideas for a costume for an 8 year old boy?
6 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
22 Sep 08
What cartoon characters does your son like? Mine likes Ben 10. Is it possible to make a custom of his favourite cartoon character?
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Sep 08
We decided on Ben 10. I bought him some green pants and a white T-shirt. I put some black tape down the front of the shirt to make it look like Ben's shirt and he will be wearing his new Omnitrex watch too.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
19 Sep 08
We have started to whip up our own stuff here too. First off the best thing is to check out the used clothing shops for some stuff. Last year I did Pumpkin Jack from Nightmare from used clothes and some accessories from the dollar store. This year Clayton (9) is Leatherface. Got an old cloak from the used store, and mask from dollar store but spend a little bit on the chainsaw. Colton is going to be Jason. Mask and knife for a dollar and got the ratty clothes from the used place. Even if you get some face paint and make a zombie and get clothes from the used place that you both can rip and shred apart which any 8 year old boy would probably enjoy. Good luck and have fun I LOVE Halloween.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Sep 08
Ben 10 is what he is going to be. I bought him the stuff to make the costume. He is very excited about it. I love your ideas for costumes though. Very original.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
18 Sep 08
Does he have to go as some character? How about going as a magician? He can have a top hat, a cape and a wand?
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
18 Sep 08
No, he does not have to be a character. I am just trying to figure out something that he would like that I can make at home or use stuff from around the house. A magician is an idea thanks.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Sep 08
How about Captain Jack Sparrow? I found some costumes in 10-12 and 14-16? Or how about Ben 10? While the costumes run small, if you look at it, it looks easy enough to duplicate. Green khakis, white short sleeve shirt with that black stripe. Worse to worse you could use a black fabric marker on a white t-shirt. Toy watch, spike hair with gel and bingo. You could make him up as a ghoul. They have inexpensive makeup kits at Walgreens for all sorts of faces. Take him to a near by Johnny Brocks. You may find some ideas to work with. Or a teen costume that can be cut to fit.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I have only looked at Walmart so far. I have not been all the way out to KMart and Target yet. He does love Ben 10 and he already has the Omitrex watch, so that might work.
@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
17 Sep 08
Hi lilybug. I will try to help you. Why not a green costume with a shrek mask? Or you can make a long black tunic and he will use it with a little stick and glasses and it will be a Harry Potter costume. Both are easy to make and, I think, cool. Cheers dear and I hope it help.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
18 Sep 08
He does like Harry Potter and Shrek. Thanks for the ideas.
• United States
17 Sep 08
heres what you do its easy you use your imagination with this and put thought into it like for example if he likes batman get the mask and get black sweatpants and shirt and little black gloves and some black cloth make a cape boots are a must for every batboy lol and you should have some gloves for him but im sure if you get the mask at the store they could give you advice and theres also peter pan i just thought of look at images in the books and stuff kids love to play and use imagination and if mom made it its ten times more special then store bought godbless moms everywhere or you could make him the tinman from wizard of oz that would look cool and different from all the other boys
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
18 Sep 08
I would do the Batman thing, but I have not seen just a mask anywhere. I only see the whole costume which is almost $20. I was trying to suggest a scarecrow to him and I was showing him pictures online as examples and he saw the TIN MAN and thought it sounded like an ok idea.