Mobile phones........Do you?

@seeths (413)
September 19, 2008 8:00am CST
Having mobile phones is kind of common now a days and it is a known fact that every member in a family would have a mobile phone apart from the land line connection which we have at home.I personally used to have the urge to have mobile phone for my self but then later at a point of stage it was a burden for me as I had to take it everywhere with me and above all answer the calls from family members,friends and also wrong calls.So has any of u got bugged in answering calls and felt that phones were burden in your life or do u love having mobile phone around? Regards
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3 responses
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
20 Sep 08
I feel bugged with my mobile phone all the time. I need to retain it for my professional reasons, but still I do not really like it. Most of calls at untimely situations really make me feel bad. I have also started keeping the mobile away at times when I do not want to take calls for e.g. when I go to sleep or when I am enjoying a drive etc. Cheers! Ram
• India
21 Sep 08
Thats a nice way to go. Regards
@rainmark (4302)
19 Sep 08
I do still like having mobile phones with me. Aside from recieveing midnight calls or sms in very early morning which distrubs my sleep sometimes i think i better not to have a cellphone. Coz it keeps me up and it wakes me up! Sometimes im tired of answering those calls and sms but i need to or else someone feels upset. Then sometimes i get annoyed from the anonymous messages which always bothers me alot!
@my2boys (821)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I do get annoyed sometimes when the phone wont stop ringing. But sometimes it si nice to talk to people. Also having a mobile phone is good for safety. You always have a way of contacting people if your car breaks down or you are in any danger.