make up

United States
September 19, 2008 10:40am CST
how many chicks out there think without make up they are ugly and noone would like you?
2 responses
• China
22 Sep 08
OH!From the discuss,I know what you are talk about,In my eyes "make up" is good for the woman,this can make them confident.In china ,the player in the drama always make up before they come out in the drama,this is the custom of china drama,I think make up can make the role in the drama more vivid!Do you know something in my discuss?
@madgoose (75)
19 Sep 08
I think most girls like to have a little bit of makeup on when they go out, but to think you're ugly without make up on is a bit much. At the end of the day make up is there just to enhance the beauty that is already there, so if someone were to think that no one would like them without make up on then all I can say is cosmetics are definitely not the solution to that problem.