do people really understand?

United States
September 19, 2008 10:49am CST
i have had depression/anger problems since i was a little girl and everyone is always saying i know how you feel and that kind of bs do you think they really know how you feel if thay dont have thouse problems?
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9 responses
@savmot (261)
19 Sep 08
I think most people do understand. Most people suffer from depression at some point.
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• United States
19 Sep 08
I agree , but depression has differentstress levels.Inside each come crazy..." As in lighting a fuse".Me being manic depressant,bipalor cause me to even flip out after watching certain movies.Pain is a inside someone causes extreme illnesses.This something you have to walk in the shoes of others to see..
@jbl1975 (374)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Hey, I had depression, anxiety, anger, etc. and one @$$hole said "Get over it!" OH! If it was only THAT damn easy!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Sep 08
No of course they dont know...EVEN someone who's been through a similar situation for example doesnt REALLY know (though they are one up on those who;ve never experienced something similar)...Reason being, they arent you....You can put two ppl through the exact same thing and they WILL NOT react exactly the same.... I've suffered from severe depression, anxiety and anger my whole life as well and though I get annoyed at times when ppl say that sort of thing to me I realize that most of the time they are just trying to show compassion ya know...
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• United States
19 Sep 08
I agree with from 34tyrs of the same problem. Know one can understand but you. Because the feelings yor going ,the mental thinking at the time, if do what i do by pushing people away, and if you just only want to talk.. A "WELL PAID COUNSElOR" couldn't stop your depression. It's something you can only deal with and its hard to handle. I deal with depression, my wife, seven children, and I'm only 43yrs old.I do whats best for me and mines. Because life is short so try to enjoy whats left of it.. thats how I feel. most people work all they life.. Try living for you as a person.I bet you'll find life easier.
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• Philippines
19 Sep 08
people can understand how you are but can never understand how you feel..that's why i never say those words not unless i was once on that situation...they just know how you are but they can never feel how it was to have some kind their way of showing they care but not in the proper way..its much easy if they say we understand but not how it felt..
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• United States
19 Sep 08
I really do not think that anyone understands Depression. I have depression and I do not understand it. I know that Doctors have been trying to research it for years. They are still trying to understand what brings it on. What to do about it. Is it emotional or is it Chemical. Why something will trigger it, then it just all of a suddenly just goes away.
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
I don’t think they know exactly what a person is feeling if they don’t have or experience those problem that you have. They could have sympathy and would try to understand but they will never know your true feelings. No one could feel the same what you’re feeling but you. I have proven many times before that people don’t really understand other especially with regards to depression. I’ve tried to open up to a friend before but it didn’t alleviate what I’m feeling because I know that she don’t understand a single word I’m telling. In her effort she tried to be passionate, affectionate and sympathize in my situation. Since then I don’t expect that people would understand me. They can’t do any better than to sympathize in your feelings.
• United States
19 Sep 08
They might not exactly know how or what you feel. But definitely they should have some empathy towards you or anyone else in your position. Today most people have such depression/anger problems. One way to get rid of it and get more peace is meditation...
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
8 Oct 10
i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates. And best remedy is Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.