Do you often forgot your bf/gfs birthday?

September 20, 2008 12:12pm CST
Today is my birthday. I didn't get a good birthday wish from my hubby. He is nursing a toothache and forgot about my birthday, so he said! Now, im nursing my own heart. I wish i could give him a good kick. But England is too far from me at the moment. How could i still be inlove with him, when he always forgot my birthday after 4yrs? Do you forget your bf/gf or hubby/wifey birthdays? Do you always need reminders? Do i need to worry? Uggh! I hate to mop around and feeling sorry for myself. I just wish i could just go out and wear a smile. But this is the last blow. I have enough of tryin to get his attention and ignoring me coz he thinks im being silly. Sorry just venting.
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7 responses
27 Sep 08
thats bad i would never foget your birthday your hubby sux!
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
why thank you for sayin that, you mean you sux? :P you know now why birthdays always important for me. i bet you will be mad at me if i wont greet you on your birthday? lol Love you hunny. welcome to mylot. hope you enjoy your stay here. i dont know why you aint my referral, thats crap. so you are no ones referral eh? chat with ya later. xxx
@Leixa003 (867)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
Well belated happy birthday! I don't have a boyfriend so i don't know if i can forget. haha. But i do forget some of my friends birthdays because i didn't notice it was that date already! Too busy with work that i forgot to tract the date. Maybe your husband was just busy and as you said he was nursing a toothache. As far as I'm concerned I don't get mad if saomebody forgets my birthday as long as they don't forget about who I am. Usually boys aren't that good at dates so don't worry. I know some boys do forget aniversaries and birthdays.
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
I know i am such a ninny. I hate being emotional on my birthday. I didn't ask and wish anything but his love. I know most guys do forget about these important occassions. I know I shouldn't be hard on him. But really, he is making it impossible! LOL I love him and Life is great eversince I knew him. And I should thank him for everything he gave. He is my life. He is everything for me. And I guess there are people that doesnt bother about birthdays and such, and he is one. But i still want him to realize how these little things makes me happy. Thank you Leixa. Now I felt more ok than I did yesterday night. I am being selfish i know, but thank you all the same for reminding me that, i know its not his intention to hurt me by forgetting. I am just my being 'silly' self again. :) Hugs xxx
• India
21 Sep 08
I some times forgot my girl friends birthday most worst cases accidentally it happen 2 years ago by that time i really felt guilty from that onwards i always keep in reminders in my mobile not even my girlfriends all my relatives and friends.
• Canada
20 Sep 08
Happy Birthday !! I know it is not the same coming from someone on MyLot as coming from your husband but I hope your day will turn around for you and you can enjoy your birthday . My husband never forgets my birthday , he doen't do anything for it but he doesn't forget it . It is just as hard when they remember but you day is no different then the day before or the next day will be ! I have given up on my birthdays , I have come to expect nothing from anyone and this helps a little in not feeling so down when you get nothing , not even a birthday wish .
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
Thank you samtaylorskykierajen. It does mean a lot even coming from a stranger. At least you are sensible enough to feel that i am unhappy. And he thinks i am just being 'silly'. I am beginning to hate the word. LOL I never expected any wishes from anyone on my birthday. I am just too old for that now. But despite that, i still get hurt. I always reminds him, every year, that its my birthday, and hes like 'of course i didnt forgot hunny'. I'm like ok. Then he greet me with a wide smile. I should get over it. But after today, i didn't know it's still hurt. Thank you once again hun. big hugs
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
21 Sep 08
Ohhhhh! what a messed my dear friend. usually guys don't matter about any celebrations unless the girl reminds us. i already learn about that is why if i have important dates that need to celebrate i enter it in my cellphone reminder. me and my girl friend before always argued about certain dates because i always forgot it and she will be the one called my attention to carry the date. LOL.. you know what was the date that i always forgot. Waaaa! monthsary, i am not particular of it but all the girls valued this days. we are not particular of this date but because the girl want it so we have no choice, we love our girl friends (not all) so we must follow their wants. LOL
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
20 Sep 08
I sometimes forget it.. I am so ashamed that I forget it.. But I always make it up :D Have a nice day..
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
LOL Well at least you make it up. That's the good part. But I only get 'you are being silly' from him. After 4yrs and he keeps forgetting it every year. Sometimes i give up, tryin to reason out why. I guess maybe i should forget my birthday too. That way, theres no pain, no feelings on whatsover.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
21 Sep 08
Cheer up sassy. It's your birthday. I think it's normal for guys to be forgetful on dates. LOL. I for one always reminds my hubby each occasions that will be coming. He seems to forget our kids' birthdays, my birthday, even his parents birthday. LOL. Actually, In our 11 years of being married, I'm always the first one to greet during our anniversaries. So, you're not the only one who experienced this. Happy birthday or should I say, belated happy birthday! May you have more birthdays and more blessing to come. P.S. Blowout, blowout. LOL