Lust or Love???

September 24, 2008 1:37pm CST
A friend of mine recently had a problem with his boyfriend. He cheated on her with another girl. His boyfriend told her that she was the one he truly loves, he was just tempted with the girl. She thought he would be back, now the problem got bigger. The other girl is pregnant with his boyfriend. My friend had decided that it's really time to let go of the guy, 'coz she knows it's over. Although the guy was saying she is the one he truly love, but he has to marry the girl coz of the baby. A bad ending for my friend. But I told her, there would be other guys meat for you. One who would treat you nice and would really love you. Bad things happen for a reason. And I think everything has a blessing in disguise. If you were my friend, would you also let go of your love, or would you fight for him coz you know he also loves you?
1 response
• United States
24 Sep 08
Does she really know that he loves her? Would someone that loves someone really cheat on them? I think he was feeding her crap so she wouldn't dump his butt. She should have left him the instant she found out he cheated on her. Let him come crawling back on hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Love is not a light subject, not just a word that should be tossed around. If you can say you love someone and then go cheat on them and get someone else pregnant than either you are lying or you don't know what love really is.
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
I totally agree with you. My friend's ex-boyfriend doesn't really deserve her love!!!